****Weekly Chat Dec 1-7****

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  • Shan: That sucks that you've gained back, but at least you are taking control right now. On the work thing, usually, with promotions in my company, they don't give you the raise till you are finished with your 90 day probation period, where you prove you can do the job well. How my boss ever made it past that period...I'll never know...hopefully its just a rumor for your situation though.
  • I'm here. I'm here. Who missed me? Its snowing and blowing here. Very pretty!

    Thanksgiving and Black Friday were great! I actually lost 2 lbs. Fate? I dunno. Probably my Da*n scale playing tricks on me. It has stuck so far. Doesn't it know April Fools Day is far away?
  • Today has been ok so far. One of my students brought in cookies and I tried really hard to resist, but she almost seemed sad that I turned down a cookie. She's a very needy girl as far as attention goes, so I told her to find me a small one. She did a good job...they were good But I stuck with just one!

    Then, this afternoon, I went to the gym and did 25 minutes on the stationary bike. Oh my word, I was dripping sweat and even had to stop a couple times because I thought I was going to die! I usually do the elliptical, so I figured a little mix-up was in order. I came home and immediately took a shower because I was so sweaty and gross.

    So, I'm already in my pajamas and it's only 4:30pm LOL I'm a winner
  • chele, sometimes I never change OUT of my pajamas!!!
  • HeathermcG: you lost weight over thanksgiving? You so rock.

    Chele: thats why I love the bike, except for the butt sweat that is oh so visable in my work out pants...

    Leighish: Yesterday I even wore my pj's to my friends for dinner.
  • ghost: I'm guessing it was a fluke. Maybe I was dehydrated? We shall see over the next few days. I normally NEVER have luck like that. lol One time I was sick for 3 days, didn't eat or drink and gained 3.4 lbs. AND IT STUCK! lol My body makes no sense whatsoever!
  • Quote: chele, sometimes I never change OUT of my pajamas!!!
    Yeah, I've been in my PJ's two days straight

    We always have jammie day on Sundays and then we got 10 in of snow last night, so I didn't go to work today. (it's a 45 min drive on a good day)

    Before I gross anyone out I am going to shower and change before I go to bed....it just is SO cold I don't even want to take my clothes off. I'm going to try sneak a couple of degrees on the thermostat, but my heat **** hubby has a sixth sense about it.

    As for weight loss related info, I did great on my diet today, but failed to go to the gym or even get off the couch. Will try again tomorrow.

    HeathermcG- your going to have to share who you LOST weight on Thanksgiving! That is crazy! Maybe a whole new way to do the holidays
  • Ok so today turned out well. I ended up going out to lunch rather then eating my lean cusine but I’m still within my calorie range. Actually I’m not suppose to be dieting because of the surgery so I upped my calories to 1600 … which is a lot more then 1200 – 1300 that I have been eating. I’m actually only at like 1350 right now so I should eat some more in awhile. I also called my surgeon and got some clarification on what I can and cannot be doing right now. The paperwork is kindof vague. They said I can take cough syrup to try and get rid of my cough but if I still have it come Thursday I need to call them and they will give me an antibiotic. The goal is to stay healthy before and after surgery.

    What do you all think about this dress?

    Cali – There is no way you can actually gain 8 pounds in a day. I don’t believe it. Glade most of it came off. Sorry about the package of oreos.

    DisgruntledOne – December 17, my last final is the 15th. I’m having the surgery during my school break.

    Boo – Have fun in Germany

    Bee – I think I told you this before but Federal Tax was one of my hardest classes at law school ever. It’s the only final I’ve ever walked out of and said I think I failed this. Good luck on the exam.

    Kelli – I keep reminding myself that it is a routine surgery that the doctors preformed a ton of times. I am totally excited but scared at the same time. Great job on not overeating for Thanksgiving.

    HWGA – Provided my sister doesn’t have her baby I’m going to stay with her and her boyfriend. If she does them I’m going to stay with my other sister. I hope you kept one fat outfit to do pictures in after you reach you goal, I have one sweatshirt and one pair of pants that is all I’ve kept.

    Elwing – Congrats on the new beau!

    Ghost – That is really weird what happened I’ve never heard of anything like that before. That really sucks about your sister. Family is so annoying you can’t live with them and you have to deal with them. I have a sister who is trying to control my life and I don’t know how to tell her to back off. But good for you for kicking her out. Ungrateful ….

    Shantroy – Welcome back and good job on the promo!!!

    Heather – Someone else who did crazy black Friday shopping. Did you have fun … I did. Great job on 2 pounds.

    Chele – Good job sticking with just one cooking!!! I put PJs on almost instantly when I get home.
  • RHTS: OMG!! I need that dress immediately, I love it. Too bad I cant have $108 appear out of thin air.

    For a good warm fuzzy feeling this evening go watch this youtube video. Its one of the featured videos, and it has totally made my evening and the guy can sing.


    Im really not that much of a dork, but its just too stinkin' cute.
  • I'm thinking for $108 I could get a lot of use out of that dress. I think it can easily be dressed up or down. Plus right now I have a coupon code for 20% off which means it would only be $86. Plus I might have another one for free shipping.
  • RHTS: of course not 8 lbs in one day! LOL! it was 3 days. Yeah, I know, not better. Just got on the scale, down 5 lbs since this morning. Gotta love that!

    I need to eat something. Um, so I'm trying to drink more water but it is COLD! does tea count towards my daily water intake?

    And another question; I can't drink straight milk. Now if my 1% milk is 110 calories or there abouts a serving, but I only have like a quarter cup with about 1/2 a cup of water, that's less than 110 calories right?
  • Rem- Cute dress! I love it. That's good that you have people lined up to take care of you. Recovering is always better when you're not by yourself.

    Cali- I would say yes its less, just base it off how much milk you use.

    Heather- congrats on weight loss during Thanksgiving! You're amazing!!!!

    I couldn't go to bed til late last night. I don't know what was up. I'm tired this morning.... Why can't Friday be here now? I need prop my eye lids open.
  • http://tv.yahoo.com/blog/the-biggest...gest-loser--48 I thought you guys might like to see this. It's stuff we already know but it's nice that we're not the only ones that think so. It made the Yahoo! main page. lol.
  • Leigh- I just read that. I'm so glad they agree with me. lol I don't like her either. I forget when it's on, is it on tonight?
  • I can't believe it's December already! I have no idea where this year went. It went crazy fast for me. 24 days until I hit up Jamaica, I can't wait. I need some sunshine in my life! I just got my elliptical at the end of last week, I've been doing about 20-30 mins a day on it right now. My goal is to be 270 by the end of December.

    HWGA - 39 inches is fantastic! Thats a lot of inches!

    It just doesn't seem like Christmas yet... Usually by now I'm totally in the spirit and pumping Christmas tunes. But not this year, I don't know why!.