Hello ladies...(and gentlemen I suppose?)

  • Ok so I just typed this long ranting post...and somehow I deleted the whole thing So let me try this again! I am on a mission to make this site a bigger part of my life then it has been. I joined awhile back with good intentions and of course life happened, the past 6 months have been really hard for me and I feel like I have lost control again, I need help. I am 28 years old and am up to 290lbs, I don't want to see a 3 on my scale, I need to make a change right now. I have thyroid problems as well as PCOS which just add to my weight loss frustrations but make it even more important for me to get the weight off. I lost my job in May and here it is the end of November and I still have not found work. I am to the point I have lost everything, I have moved in with my boyfriend and am so depressed I don't want to leave the house anymore. With my insulin resistance, I have had luck with cutting out sugar and carbs, I know how I need to eat and just can't do it. My boyfriend pays for a gym membership for me and I don't use it. All the tools are sitting in front of me and I just can't make it happen, whats wrong with me? I am a photographer, that has always been my passion and I haven't picked up my camera in months. I am terrified that my insulin resistance is going to turn into full blown diabetes (if it hasn't already)and I have no health insurance. I have been having to order my prescriptions from mexico for months now just to keep me on them but I am bad about taking them everyday. I think part of my problem is the fact that my mom moved in with us a few months ago. She was having problems with my dad and wanted a break so we said she could come here. I feel guilty saying it but I think that was a really bad decision. My mom was overweight for as long as I can remember. About 4 years ago, for no apparent reason, the weight just fell off of her, and now she rubs that in my face on a daily basis. I don't need to hear everyday how her size 8 jeans are just so huge, you poor thing. She is also the one who buys all the groceries for the house while she is living here and money is so tight with me and my boyfriend only having one income now. She buys everything I should not be eating, high carb high sugar food. I need to make a change with or without support from my family, but I need support from somewhere....

  • So, you've made the first step, you've decided to do something. It sounds really simple, but now it's just a case of starting to do it. I don't know much about PCOS, but... I do know that switching to less sugar / carbs is likely going to help. So, approach it from that point with your mother. Try explaining your concern for your health. Maybe you can sit down and plan your meals for the week. If she wants some snack foods for herself, then just pick a cupboard, and ask her to keep it there. We always have chips in the house (used to be I could eat a big bag in a sitting), but they're in a cupboard I don't need to open on a daily basis. That helped a lot at the start. If you don't cook much, now is as good a time as any. I honestly haven't given up any of the meals I enjoy. I've just found ways to make them lighter and/or healthier.

    On the gym... just go. It's not as scary as you think. Find an activity you like, and that makes it easier. I'm still not a fan of cardio (walking for me usually), but I love lifting weights.

    It's all about making small changes. I was slowly gaining weight I'd already lost last fall, also unemployed. Well, in December I decided that I'd had enough and found it easier to lose weight when I wasn't working. I mean, I could set my own hours, cook everything I needed, etc. Heck, I wish I'd got my act together earlier, as I'd be further along. Now I'm back in school and never seem to have any time. However, those good habits I started are easier to keep up. I took time today to bake 4 (9x13) pans of my grab and go snack foods. These are higher protein bars/squares that I keep in the freezer and take with me during the week for snacks. I was willing to give up some time this morning (and again in the afternoon) to make what will likely be 6 - 8 weeks worth of my new 'junk food'.

    Anyway, that's a lot of rambling to just say welcome. You'll get as much help as you want here. I'm not around much myself (time issues), but feel free to join in the weekly threads. They move pretty fast, but they're very friendly.
  • Hiya Rabbit!

    I have Hashimoto's disease (which makes me hypothyroid) and can tell you that taking thyroid meds consistently is SUPER important - I learned the hard way. If I miss even a day I can have a week of fatigue before it fixes itself.

    I'm on the generic of Synthroid and it's very reasonably priced. I don't have insurance at the moment either but end up paying I think about $15 a month or so for it. If you are unemployed you should be able to qualify for some kind of public assistance (unless like me you're in school, then it gets harder to get help, heh) at minimum there are free or sliding scale clinics that you can go to. Even without insurance if you are hypothyroid it's really critical to get your T3 & T4 levels checked regularly and to stay on top of your meds. You might end up paying $50 for labs (I usually end up paying about $30 through my school clinic) but at least you'll be on the right dose. If you get your meds figured out it will hopefully help with energy which will help with job searching.

    Anyhow as someone who has taken a long time to get consistent with her thyroid meds I thought I'd put that out there!