Where do you gain your weight?

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  • I was just curious to see how everyone carries their weight differently.

    I carry most of mine right around the middle (love handles, basketball belly) and in my face (cheeks and under my chin). A little also goes to my upper thighs and to my butt (and my butt gets square, not nice and round, lol), just enough to give me cellulite!

    I've always envied the girls with curves, who gain in their boobs and hips!
  • Mine is always around my belly and butt
  • hips, legs and butt baby! im kinda an hourglass shape i guess so boobs, arms, face too... not too much in the belly area.
  • Everywhere! Especially my stomach and behind
  • From the stomach UP! It's brutal.
  • I think I'm one of the lucky ones, I gain it all over. Although chicken wings and stomach are the biggest problem right now.
  • stomach...and for some reason, I'm just now finding out that I'm bottom heavy....GUH! my butt is huge!
  • pretty much everywhere.. I have an hour glass shape so if I gain a bit of weight, its very noticeable, foremost chest, then hips, then stomach.. it's annoying in the sense of how quickly a pair of jeans fit differently or a top becoming too tight..
  • Haha, cali, I found out that last week too. I was complaining about a bikini bottom not fitting, and my mom said "but you do have quite the bottom, you know, just saying..." I guess she is right! I had never really noticed.

    That being said, I gain mostly in my belly, thighs and bottom. I used to look like I was pregnant in dresses. (I probably still do to some extent, but people should get over that... people without a supermodel shape are allowed to wear dresses too). In contrast my arms stay as small as sticks, and my ankles are always more or less the same (non-skinny, non-large) size whatever weight I am.
  • Since I've gained weight, Ive noticed everywhere. That includes my inner thighs, arms, definately my face, and my midsection. I havent noticed anything in my calves, or my lower arms, just everywhere else
  • all over, but problem spots are my tummy area and my face.
  • my belly! I always look pregnant!!!
  • Hips, top part of my legs and my butt....ugh lol
  • All in my belly. Once the belly has hit maximum capacity, it begins to move to my hips and butt, and then slide down into my thighs.


  • My love handles , my butt, my thighs , my calfs ugh! lol