medication causing sleep problems?

  • So I was put on Celexa and I've been taking it for about 5 days. My sleeping habits are going crazy! I mostly was having problems with being over sleepy and sleeping like 12 hours a day and yawning and groggy all day- and then last night insomnia like never before. I think I maybe got 4 hours of sleep stretched out between hours of not sleeping. Bah!
    I'm wondering if anyone else experienced this as an early side effect that went away after their medication finally kicked in? I know everyone handles each medication differently but they all have similar side effects....
  • I had horrible side effects from Celexa. I was on it for 3 weeks. I could not sleep, I was so tired. At night, I would see trails of things in the dark. Like if I waved my hand infront of my face, I would see 6 hands. One night I had awful, scary hallucination, which made me freak out all night, couldn't sleep. Just layed there terrified. So I told my doctor to give me something else. I also got very shaky, I thought it was serotonin syndrome. Had all the side effects. My eyes were dilated so much & so many other things.