How can I put this?

  • Ummm... anyone on Prozac having regularity problems.
    I thought maybe it was a problem with me but I am taking tons of fiber and water and still having problems. I take 60 mg and have for several years.
    just wondering.
  • I personally don't take it, but I took Lexapro for awhile & the doctor had said that irregularity is part of those kinds of pills....
  • cartp, I am not on Prozac but just cross-referenced constipation with Prozac and yes, it's a side effect
  • Oh
    well why didn't I think of looking up the side effects?
    thanks for the help
  • i had the opposite problem. i couldn't stop going when i was on it for the first couple of months.

    60mg is a lot. i thoguht max was 30mg a day?
  • I'm on prozac and havent noticed that kind of side effect..
  • Hey Anastasia,

    Max dose for Prozac is usually 80mg/day... Typically they start you with 20, then increase in 20mg increments...

    I was on it for a little over a year...didn't have the constipation issues but had others...decreased libido...weight creep...weird dreams...etc...

    Hope this helps...

  • The maximum dose for Prozac is 80mg/day. They usually only prescribe it that high for bulimia and OCD, but it's used in that dose for depression from time to time as well.

    As for the GI problems, diarrhea is a more common side effect than constipation (~15% as opposed to 5%), but it's nowhere near uncommon.

    (I just had an exam on SSRIs)


    Ha, see it was covered. Teach me not to refresh my windows after wandering away from the computer.
  • Interesting

    I take 60 cause I am a mess most of the time
  • Not evryone has the same side effects, but it's something that you should monitor if you're on prescription meds.