Biggest Loser: Purple Team Thread

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  • Hey Purple Team!

    So here's the deal... every Monday morning weigh yourself, and post your weight here (I've changed it to every Monday instead of every Sunday, it makes more sense, but it MUST be posted by Monday at noon to stay in the game).

    Also post your final goal weight, and do the quick math to figure out how many pounds you are from that weight (Current weight [minus] goal weight).

    Your team will have to elect a captain (soon!), and that person will add up the numbers:

    1. Add together your team's total weight.
    2. Add together the total number of pounds that need to be lost to get to everyone's goals.
    3. Make a Purple Team's total weight, and number of pounds to be lost this week... then next week, add in the total number of pounds lost that week.

    Use this thread to get to know your teammates. Get everyone to dish about their eating habits, their workout routines, strengths, weaknesses, what you can bring to the table, and what you need help with. Give each other suggestions, encouragement, new ideas and strategize. Let's see it ladies. Which team can be the Biggest Loser?

    A side note: You lot are one person short, and a straggler will be added to your folds. Welcome them graciously when they are! Because of the way we're calculating things, it shouldn't affect your results. Cheers!

    Important Note: When you're checking the thread in the future, be sure to check this first post before anything else. It's where updates will be posted about the game!
  • Yaaaaay purple team!

    Let's see, I should introduce myself... my username is skychild, but my real name is Molly. I'm 21, I'm a college student (graphic design major, computer science minor), I'm 5'7", and my goal weight is 135. As of today I am 175, and I'm pretty sure that's where I'll be on Monday. I've been doing the JM 30-Day shred for about a week, and will be keeping it up during this challenge. I live on campus, so that's mostly where I eat...I tend to have a lot of fish, as that's one of few healthy meat options in my dining hall. (Occasionally they'll have grilled chicken...but not often.) I eat a lot of veggies and lean meats.

    Strengths: I think I'm fairly skilled at picking healthy choices, and knowing "this or that". I have a strong drive to do this, and when I set my mind to something, I get it done. All for one, and one for PURPLE!

    Weaknesses: Eating enough calories. My weight has been at a standstill for a while, despite my best efforts. I've been averaging around 1400cal/day, so I think that may be playing a part in the "holding on" of this stubborn weight. I'm going to up my calorie intake to around 1600, and see if that helps. Water intake. I haven't been drinking enough water, not NEARLY enough - so I'm going to make it a habit to keep track of how much I drink and make it to about 64oz a day.
  • go purple ! I think i'm the straggler to the team.... I'm Dotty, I'm 27, 5'6"... cw around 174-175 (didn't weigh this morning...) gw is 147, then 130something, i'll re-evaluate when i get in the area, lol

    I'm jack of all trades, really, and find myself having to eat out more than my wallet and my jeans need because of a very hectic work schedule. Luckily, my life is calming down for a couple weeks, so i should be able to work on that, plus getting in all the water i need.

    let's go purple !

    EDIT - monday 11/17 - 172lbs
  • Hey yall!! My name is Andrea... I'm 23 and I'm from Georgia... My current weight is 170 and my goal weight is 145...

    I've lost a lot of weight before (from 225 to 150) but in the past year or two I've been kinda lax... (moved in with boyfriend, just haven't been very focused) so now I'm back at 170. I am totally driven to lose this 25 pounds though and I think this challenge is going to help me jumpstart it!

    My weaknesses are DEFINITELY eating too much late at night (I rock my diet during the day though!) and eating a ton when I drink. I really wish I would just not drink for a while at all because I think that would help out! Any of you have trouble with alcohol+food like that??????

    My main strength is that i KNOW how to do this if I put my mind to it!

    Come on yall lets kick some butt on this challenge!
  • Hey ladies!!!!!! For some reason I can't see the list of names for each group, but Jelbb told me that I'm on the purple team!! So... GO PURPLE!!!!

    I weighed in at 163 this morning. I've been on 3FC since September but have been in between 160 and 165. I have taken up the C25K (Couch to 5K) and am really enjoying that. I can officially call myself a runner now!! I also bought the 30DS but have to admit that I've only done it once.... I plan to keep up with the running and doing other things at the gym...maybe doing the 30DS too.

    I am 28, in Wisconsin, married, with a beautiful daughter. Work full time, will graduate with my 3rd degree in May, and am also in the Air Guard. Seems like I am very busy but I have a pretty good day job where I can check 3FC...sometimes too much.

    My goal weight at the end of these 4 weeks is 150. LETS DO IT LADIES!!! Let's pick up this tread too! We are way behind the others!!!
    Who wants to be the captain???

    Monday - 11/17 - 163 LBS
  • I'm in law school right now (forgot to add that) so I might not have enough time to be our team leader... I wouldn't want to neglect adding up our totals due to exams... Does anyone think they have the time (and math skills... I told yall im in LAW school right... no math!) to be our leader? You're gonna have to add up a LOT because I'm planning on losing a lot in this four weeks!!
  • Hey Andrea - I also have trouble with mixing alcohol and then too much food...but I don't drink like I used to. But when I do drink, my weight goes WAY up the next week or so, so I'm really trying to stay away from it! It gets easier when your a wife and Mom. When I was a full time student living in a college town, that would have been impossible! So do your best!!!!! We need to win this!

    What is your goal at the end of these 4 weeks? We need to list our current weight and the goal weight at the end of the 4 weeks.
  • My current weight is 170 and my goal for the end of these 4 weeks is to be comfortably at 155. (My birthday was this weekend so I basically just ate all weekend... I think my weight will fall quite a lot this first week).

    I am going to work hard on the alcohol thing... I think i just need to not drink at all. With me its all or nothing... I don't like wasting the calories if I'm not going to drink enough to get tipsy/drunk but then once I pass that point its really bad and I just end up convincing myself that I need to eat (everything) to sober up. STUPID!!
  • So it looks like I only see 4 of us so far. Again, for some reason, I can't see the full list of people on the purple team. All I have is a "X" in the start of Jelbb's thread.
  • Hello all... My name is Stephanie. My current weight is 144 lbs. My goal weight is 136 lbs... for the end of this challenge (126 overall).

    A little bit about myself: I am 27 and just moved to a tiny town in Wyoming from Denver, CO. I am a full time wedding & portrait photographer that covers both Wyoming and Colorado in their entirety. My husband and I are hoping to conceive in Dec and to save up extra money for our little one and a new house I've also taken on an office job to add as third income to our savings. I am currently following the couch to 5k program on as well as couting calories and aiming for a 7000/wk calorie deficit.

    My strengths: I am a planner. I don't mind counting my calories, posting on forums, blogging and planning ahead to keep myself accountable. I have no problem following my workout routine as long as crazy life doesn't intervene.

    My weakness: THE WEEKEND. I am able to stay OP all week long and on track for my deficit, then when the magical weekend comes along I always fall off track.

    I am really looking forward to this challenge! Some good old competition never hurt anyone!
  • Welcome Stephanie!!!! I'm TERRIBLE on the weekends too.
  • Hello Ladies!!!
    I only see the "X" for the lists as well, so I can't say who else is part of our wonderful team PURPLE.... but I've been told I am! All of you sound like some awesome determined people so far, so that's absolutely excellent! GO PURPLE! lol

    My current weight: 183 lb*
    My goal in 4 weeks: 170 lb
    My ultimate goal: 160-165 lb (determined by jigglyness. Hope working out will fix that)
    *Note: I was 180 for the last week so I'm pretty sure the first 3 lbs will drop immediately. Likely due to water retention for TOM and not drinking enough water on the weekend.

    Exercise: C25K 3 days a week (currently on week 2 Day 3), JM Shred 2-3 days a week (currently on Workout 2)

    Calories: 1200-1300/day

    Strengths: Determined, keep a food journal, good at healthy choices, eat mostly only whole foods to keep sodium down, exercise at least 5 days a week
    Weaknesses: weekends, have to convince myself to work out EVERY TIME, busy work schedule makes it hard to get in enough calories (tend to find myself down by at least 100-200/day)

    That's me! If everyone else is too busy/poor at math then I can fit in the time to do the tally's if no one else wants to jump at the opportunity.

    It would make it a very nice Christmas if we all were to reach our goals for Dec 17th! And I don't know about you guys, but the fact that I'm not in it just for myself and have to think about the team effort, my conquest to make healthy decisions may go a little easier. As in, if i say I'm going to be working out tonight, I better damn well be working out tonight!

    Let's do this girls!!!!
  • It looks like thats all 5 of us!! Who wants to be team leader??

    Question for those of you doing the couch to 5k plan... I finished up week 2 last week and it has been going good so far... It looks like its about to get a lot harder though. How have you guys been doing at it? I'm a HORRIBLE runner but I've always wanted to be able to... so far so good....
  • Thats awesome it sounds like there are quite a few of us doing the c25k and we are all pretty close. I am starting week 3 tonight. This will make it even easier to help motivate one another. I have computer access and way to much time m-f but no availability on the weekends. I do not know that the challenge calls for that though... I could be captain if so....
  • I'm frankly a little concerned about moving on to week 3 on the C25K too! As it's been going I'm finding it fairly difficult to run 6.0 and walk 3.5... thinking I'll have to slow my run down when I move to week 3. Or do week 2 over again.

    I'm a horrible runner too. I've been able to train myself in the past but have never ever enjoyed doing it. I'm hoping that C25K is a methodical enough program that it'll teach me to enjoy it.