Begining to Have Issues with Sugar/Carbs?

  • Hi All,
    Not even sure this belongs here, but I thought you all might be able to give me some insight.

    I know I have issues with an addition to sugary junk food but lately I'm starting to wonder if I'm not getting into a possible pre-diabetic stage. I'll admit that I've abused my body since I was a teen with the diet/binge eating cycle (no purging). A few years ago, I did a low carb diet and lost 30 pounds and felt great and had very few binge episodes. Then I hit a period of stress and change and at the same time abandoned low carb to try and become a vegan. Since the vegan diet is very much the opposite of low carb, I found myself eating more high carb, low fat, although I tried to keep to good carbs like whole grains and fruit. However, I fell into the diet/binge mode which, I think was because of the stress and change. Things are more settled now, but I'm still struggling with binging on the weekends, usually high sugar stuff.

    This weekend I wasn't eating the healthiest and had some glazed donut holes for breakfast on Sunday. I noticed a few hours later I was suddenly feeling sweaty, a bit jittery, and definitely unfocused. That's happened one time before when I had the same type of breakfast. But that's a no brainer (the sugar glaze, duh ).

    However, this morning I was doing a healthy breakfast of a tofu scramble and made myself some oatmeal with a little soy milk and only a few tablespoons of raisins to sweeten it. I ate only half of it (amazing how oatmeal suddenly becomes so filling when you don't dump a bunch of sweetner in it...) but I suddenly feel like my heart is racing and my body is sweating a little. That has never happened before with a good carb. I did put raisins in the oatmeal, but had a small amount, so I don't know if that small of an amount would cause such a reaction.

    I guess my concern stems from this: I'm 38 and the last two years have literally been junk food binges nearly every week. I've read about how your body can handle only so much sugar until it begins to have problems. So I guess I'm just wondering what these reactions might be.

    Not asking for any diagnosis, just opinions about whether I should start to be concerned or not about this. I'm working on curbing the binge eating by exploring what's causing them emotionally, but it's been tough. Now I'm wondering if I've gotten to the point where my health will be in danger if I don't do something about this soon.

  • Hey Tam- I'm also eat a vegan diet, but mine is mostly a whole foods, plant based diet.

    I think perhaps the best thing you could do is go talk to your doctor. Normally a simple urine test can indicate if you are diabetic. And if you think there is a possibility, it would best just to get it checked out.

    About the binging. Since I began eating a diet of whole foods, primarily fruits and veggies, I have never been tempted to binge, although since the foods I eat are low calorie, I have to eat a lot more than I used to. Perhaps try a more natural, whole foods diet. I do not eat any white grains and avoid added sugar.

    If you need support we'd love to have you in the vegetarians/vegan holiday challenge thread in the vegetarian chicks forum. Come check us out

    Good luck!
  • Hi Dee,
    Thank you for the invitation - I might just take you up on that.
