first minigoal reached

  • My highest weight ever was 187. I started coming here about 10 days ago, and was 184 at the time. I am not dieting at this point, but have joined the binge eaters and have been binge free since starting on 3fc. I have been taking light exercise daily. Trying to eat reasonable portions, but not counting calories or anything.
    I did a weight check yesterday and was already down to 180.5 I checked again today, cause I almost couldn't believe it. My actual mini goal was to break 180 and be in the 170's again, but this was so awesome I couldn't believe it.
    My next goal is to be 173, which was my weight just before I delivered my 2nd baby, and was for years, the highest weight I ever had. Getting back there now feels reachable.
    I have never done minigoals before, and my ultimate goals always seemed unattainable , or so far off.
  • Congrats! keep it up!
  • Whoo hoo! Way to Go!!

  • You CAN do this - and I think mini-goals are GREAT! I never thought I could lose 90 lbs. But - losing 5 lbs. was do-able. And, practice makes perfect. Lose 5 lbs. Repeat.

    Adding in exercise is a great strategy! I'm so glad I exercised from the very beginning of my journey. It made a big difference in how I felt along the way!

    Keep going - great job so far!
  • Oh, that's exciting. Great start! I'm so happy for you.
  • That is great!! Keep up the good work!
  • Good for you!

    Concentrating on mini goals is so helpful. I know that it really helps me on my journey.

    May you soon reach your next one.
  • Yay minigoals! i am going for minigoals as well, cuz just like you my ultimate goal always seems so far off and i get disappointed and/or stop before i get anywhere. and i overlook whatever progress i had made thus far.

    anyway, congratulations! keep it up! :0)