Been away for a bit...

  • Hey everyone! Been away for a bit.. (I think about 4 - 5 weeks).

    Been pretty busy with work.. it is now finally settling down!

    I had been talking about a forced plateau before and I thought I would try it out. For five weeks I had managed to maintain my weight fluctuating between a half a pound to 1 pound either way each week when I snuck on, but on weigh in day kept myself at 206.5. This was interesting to me as I wanted to see what I could eat (and how much), how much activity I needed to do in order to maintain. It was a learning experience I tell ya!

    I was really wanting to do this through the holidays, but have been derailed by my gall bladder! I think my body is telling me to get back on track and deciding for me what foods I can eat and what ones is going to send me into excruciating pain! I don't know who else has experienced an angry gall bladder, but I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy! This past week I lost 4.5 pounds as I adjust to what I can eat... it is an experiment. I eat smaller portions of foods by themselves to see if that particular food is going to send me over the edge - within an hour of eating I know. So far, ham, eggs (cooked any way), shrimp, brownies, hamburger, anything tomato saucy, and peanut butter have been eliminated from my diet. Lettuce is still suspect.. not sure if it is the lettuce or the dressing/some veggies I put in the salad. I am good with chicken (plain), and cooked/steamed veggies, potatoes (plain), and spaghetti without hamburger in it made with tomato juice (don't understand that one <is that really spaghetti? ) .. and any fruit. oatmeal, string cheese. Haven't tried bananas yet. oh.. and I can eat SALSA! weird. I am going to try turkey, squash and beans next. LOL.

    I meet with the surgeon on Tuesday and hope to schedule the surgery for December 26th. I have to be off work for a week, so between Christmas and New Years is a good time for me work wise.

    I am two pounds away from onderland!
  • yuck! happy to hear that you are getting things figured out (what you can and can't eat) and that you are on the way to having the problem completely taken care of! wishing you the best! congratulations on being so close to onderland!! that's awesome! keep it up!
  • Hey Chey! Glad to see you're back, sorry to hear about the health troubles. My friend had gall bladder issues and had to cut out fat from her diet to keep it under control. Since you're already under the care of a doctor, I imagine you've already discussed the foods you might want to avoid, and it sounds like you've been keeping very vigilant!!
    Anyway, good luck and for onederland!!