fat affecting fertility

  • Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year I've continued to eat, without consideration of calories, fat, sodium, cholesterol, or the activity required to counterbalance any of it...
    I've watched the size of my clothing climb higher and higher; over the last 2 years I've started purchasing extra airplane seats to avoid any embarrassing confrontation with airline employees; I always manage to be the first 1 in the restaurant before my husband or friends so I can specifically request a table (not a booth).... There's always been a way to avoid addressing my gross obesity... until now.
    I've been married 2 years, I'm 29 years old, and my husband and I want to start a family. There's no way around it, my period has become erratic and even when it's not I know this unhealthy body is not in pregnancy condition.
    I don't mean to sound glum but it's all caught up to me and it's time to face facts, time to eat the right way, get off of my ***, and lose some weight. We've been unofficially "trying" for a few months and my husband is becoming curious as to why every month, the pregnancy tests are coming back negative. I can't bare the thought of actually saying, "We can't get pregnant because I'm too fat."
    I'm hoping I can find some empathy and support here. I've read your threads for a while but have always managed to convince myself I didn't need any outside help, I would just lose the weight when I felt like it... I was wrong. I need help. If any of you ladies have been in this position I would really like to hear from you. Please tell me it can get better, I need hope.
  • I think the hardest part is deciding that you really are ready to lose weight.
    I've been overweight my whole life and never thought I could lose weight. After reaching the age of 27 and being married a year, I started with a small goal of losing 10 pounds, and I did it! Then I decided I could do more, and set a goal to lose another 20, and I did it! Now, I am trying to reach the goal of 50 pounds lost. I never thought I could, but I CAN.
    Make a small goal to focus on, like 10 pounds. You can do that, right? Yes, you can!
  • Hi fixing it

    Firstly let me say say that although I'm only new around here, I think that you've done a great thing coming here. The ladies and gents on this forum are so supportive and you will get great advice.

    Secondly, I'm not really able to give advice, but I can lend an ear and a shoulder. I've not had my period for over 18 months. I've been to countless doctors who won't even look into it because of my weight. So I know a little of what your feeling.

    fixingit, this is exactly the thing you need to kick start your weight loss. Think about running around with your child/children and then put down the food I'm sure you'll be a great Mom and you've taken a great first step. Have a look around the goals forums for inspiration and talk to anyone who'll give you advice, the more knowledge you have, the better choices you can make.

    Good luck and please keep us updated.

  • Hello,
    I was able to get pregnant at 300+ pounds so it is possible. Dont get discouraged. My problem now is that my weight has caused me to have anovulatory cycles which basically means my system doesnt send that trigger for my menstrual to stop and this is all due to weight. As a result I had to go on bcp's. My advice is to talk to your doctor and let him.her know that you are trying to conceive and swee what they want you to do. Just keep the faith and dont get discouraged.
  • This is one of the main reasons I decided to change my lifestyle. I'd like to have children one day, not anytime soon, I'm only 22 next month. But since I'm so fat, I don't get regular periods. It would just break my heart if I couldn't have kids one day because I was too heavy. I hope getting down to a healthy weight will change that.
    Please do stick around, this site is amazing when it comes to support and solutions, don't forget to keep us updated.
  • fixingit - If you want to lose weight, get healthy, change your life...YOU CAN! You have to want it. I takes hard work and dedication, but it's worth every moment! You need to come up with a plan that works for you...figure out your healthy eating and exercise. This site is full of tons of help, motivation, and inspiration! Don't get overwhelmed by the amount of weight you want to lose...take it one pound at a time.

    I know how difficult it is to deal with infertility. I've lived it and survived! I was unable to have biological children...not because of my weight. We had a combination of male & female factor issues. It just wasn't meant to be for us. I am now the mommy of two amazing little boys we adopted from Guatemala!

    You are young. If too many months go by you should talk to your doctor to rule out any other potiential issues that could be affecting your fertility. Don't wait to start taking care of yourself. My advice it to start now. When you do have a little one you will need lots of energy to chase him/her around. Good Luck. Hope to see you posting losts and moving in the right direction.
  • I would like to encourage you to lose weight before you get pregnant. Only because of health issues and my own personal experiences. I got heavier with each of my five pregnancies and my poor youngest daughter can't even remember me being able to do anything fun as I was always too tired, too hurting, too embarrassed, etc. She is 18 now is the most proud of all my kids of my accomplishment. I know how hard it is to deliver a baby when you are overweight, I didn't even go into natural labor with my last two because of it. Your baby will be healthier and so will you. That doesn't mean lose all the weight first but get a good head start on it. Breastfeeding is also a great help to weight loss.
  • Maybe tell your husband you think it would be healthier for you to lose some weight before you conceive? That could stop the questions and also enlist him in helping you with the weight loss.
  • A good friend of mine is preggo with number four and she is at least 300 pounds.

    I would really encourage you to get some weight off before hand. A baby is LOTS of work and takes a tremendous amount of "chasing" as they grow.
  • We tried for about a year before getting pregnant. In the last moth of trying i was finally dieting and lost a few pounds - so maybe that helped. I was about 308 when I became pregnant.

    I would highly recommend charting and or using ovulation tests to make sure you are timing things right. Good luck!