water water water.....I think I am water logged...

  • I have not seen any threads about water.. I have been gone a long time but have a renewed and different attitude regarding my desire to loose these extra lbs.

    Water is still the best thing for us right?

    When I joined I never drank water, i drank alot of soda and Crystal light type drinks. A couple months ago I quit drinking the CL and sugar free mixes because they just make me sick to my stomach and run to bathroom and not the visit I liked.. ( not that I like peeing all the time because I DON..lol)

    Now I days I allow myself 1-2 Sprites or 7-ups and I drink mainly water. 4-6 16.9 oz bottles a day. Other day I drank 6 and I swear I pee'd every hour on the hour all night long ( and next morning I wanted nothing to do with water.. you said the word and my stomach was like **** no..)

    Anyways I wanted to remind people ( if water is still the good juice) that we need to drink LOTS of water....
  • I hear ya about the water...I now keep fresh lemons on hand to add a little something to the taste now I actually prefer water over soda. Keep drinkin' - lol
  • Chunckymonkey-I agree with you about preferring water over soda - now if I have diet soda, I find that my stomach gets almost instantly bloated & gassy!

    StormieAngel-There are varying opinions about how much water someone should intake, but it sounds that 6-8 bottles is fine (that's # for me too), if I go over (+sometimes I do ) I do get waterlogged! & yes, somedays, I am running to the bathroom ever hour, every day is different (re: salt intake, activity level).
    - Remember though, GO TO YOUR DOCTOR if you experience anything that you are concerned about (ie. dizzy spells, liquid diarhhea).
    Keep up the great work - You go girl
  • I love water but sometimes add a crystal light to go pack to a 64 ounces jug and it gives me a hint of lemon flavor but not as strong as cl regular. I try to get a full gallon of water a day..have been slacking lately...my kidneys dont like me drinking anything else but water!!
  • Stormie - I found some info on water for you (from Biggest Loser-Fitness Program Book pg.13-14)

    This might be long but I believe it to be informative:

    "You can avoid dehydration-and the accompanying drop in energy & metabolism-by taking steps to protect yourself ahead of time. Here are some guidelines for staying hydrated:
    - Upon rising, drink 2 cups of water to help cleanse & detoxify your system. You tend to be dehydrated in the morning, so this is a good time to replace fluids.
    - Although the traditional recommendation is to drink a min. of eight 8-oz glasses of water/day - which is a good move - it's more accurate to base your water intake on your body weight. For example, try to drink at least half your body weight in oz daily. If you weigh 200lb, your daily intake would be at least 100 oz. That's 12.5 glasses (8 oz each) a day.
    - Drink water during your workout. You should consume 6-8oz of water every 15-20 mins while exercising.
    - Water your body after exercise. Have two 8oz glasses to restore fluids.
    - Limit caffeinated soda, tea, and coffee, as well as alcohol. All of these have a diuretic effect, causing fluid loss from your body. If you enjoy caffeine or alcohol, follow them up with a water chaser just to stay in balance.
    - If you feel hungry, you might be thirst. How can you tell the difference? Simply drink a glass of water if you think you are hungry. If the water satisfies you, you were thirsty, not hungry.
    - Don't like plain water? Flavor a pitcher of plain water w. herbs like mint or basil, or slices of citrus fruits or cucumber.
    - Watch liquid calories in general. If you're not careful, it's quite easy to get a lot of excess calories from beverages. Because they're liquid, those calories go down easily, and we can ingest a lot of them without even knowing it. The most common culprits are sodas & fruit juices. An average can of soda alone can have up to 60 grams of sugar - that's the same amount of sugar in 4 pieces of bread. That said, you'll want to curtail sodas & fruit juices, & learns to enjoy water instead."

    Hope this helps