Moving it forward Monday!

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  • Good Morning all! I thought "moving it forward" would be a good way to encourage all that went off plan during the weekend to get a fresh start this week and new month!

    I just got back from a nice short (half hour) walk with the dogs before I get ready to go to work. It is so funny and cute when Cody grabs hold of Jade's leash to take her for a walk! He's so cute!

    Yesterday DS called and asked for a ride into Canandaigua so that he could help a friend of his install storm windows, clean out a garage and rake leaves. I brought the puppies along to frolic with their golden retriever "Buddy". They had a great time as they were allowed to run in the yard with no leash. Buddy will not go outside the "fenced" (invisible) in area so when he and Jade were playing chase Jade kept escaping him.... buddy, in all the excitement, never lost track of where his alloted places where! I need me one of those!

    I'm going to try logging in tonight when I get back to see how everyone is doing.

    Hugs too all and have a great day!
  • Morning!

    I hope you enjoy your first day, LORI! I'm keeping my fingers for you that this job works out well.

    I'm sipping my coffee and contemplating where in the world did the weekend go?
    I have my monthly hairdresser appointment this morning before heading over to the girls'. Audrey's Cotillion has "observation" this afternoon during her class, so we get to see what she's been doing there.
  • Thanks, Lori. The image of dogs playing always makes me smile. Will be thinking of you and the job today.

    Cottage, my weekend just disappeared too quickly. It was a nice lazy one too!

    Last night I used the woodstove for the first time this season and it sure was needed in the back room. I don't think Disney had ever seen a wood fire before as she stayed right away from it and just watched it from "her" chair. Today it's going to be rainy but is a bit warmer with three or four glorious days the rest of the week. Think I'll finally get the leaves raked?

    My list these days is huge so I may not be too chatty until I get ahead of things. I meet with the lawyer tomorrow although I am doing most of the legal stuff on my own. We'll meet to change my will and Powers of Attorney - the estate and final tax return I can handle myself.

    Now I just need to decide what to do with the rest of my life. Soup making, leaf raking and some sewing are on the immediate plan!

    Hope your Monday is productive with little islands of calm.
  • good morning ladies,

    Moving it forward is exactly what I need to do. Weekends are so hard for me to stay OP. Just my usual check in I feel lost, the past week was busy so was not able to lurk around and keep up. Hope everyone is doing good and the month of November is a blessing waiting to happen.

    Time to get the kids up for school and start my day. Have a great day and a safe one too.
  • Good morning

    This whole time thing takes me a little while to adjust to. I'm up too early then move too slow

    Lori- Have a great day!!

    Cottage - Maybe we misplaced our weekend? I'm going to look behind the sofa

    Ruth - I've got the same lawn problem. The snow usually solves it for me

    phxsunflower - Have a good one!

    It's just another Monday around here - work, groceries, etc I'm not looking forward to leaving work in the dark but here I go. have a good one everyone
  • Good morning!
    This is my favorite time of year (of course, I say that in spring, summer and winter, too). I love that Halloween is over and the REAL holidays can begin. I enjoy getting ready for Christmas. And I have enough will power to not overeat during the holidays.
    I did go off my diet this weekend while we were in Corpus Christi. But not too much. I came home and realized I had only stayed the same, rather than gaining any weight back. YAY!

    Loriann- Sounds like your pup is a great joy to you. He keeps you moving, too, and that's great.

    Cottage- Weekends have 12 less hours than the weekdays. It's a proven fact. Really.

    Ruth- A wood stove sounds lovely! Just the thing to bring in the winter time.

    phxsunflower- Have a great day. Sounds similar to mine.

    Cyndi- It's still dark when you leave for work? Even with the time change? Poor girl. We'll see how it looks tomorrow for me when I get up for work too. Have a good one!
  • Good morning. I've got the tea steeping and can't wait to have a cup! I am really digging the weather right now. 76 and sunshine is my kind of November! Of course, it all ends Thursday, when it starts acting like fall, but I'll take what I can get. The longer we go without cold and winter coats, the happier I am!

    Oh I was bad over the weekend. Going to spend some extra time in the gym today. Fortunately, I have lots of magazines to read.

    Good luck on your first day Lori! Let us know how it goes!

    Everyone else, have a fabulous day! (Even if it is a Monday)
  • Good luck on the job, Lori! Glad the pups had a good time. It's so fun watching them play!

    Have fun watching Audrey, Cottage!

    Ruth, I hear you on the leaves. I have a lot of raking to do! Take it easy--everything will get done in due time.

    Phx, why is the weekend harder? It is sometimes harder for me, too, just asking because I think that knowing what makes it harder will help you put things in place that will help fix that problem!

    about looking behind the sofa, Cyndi! Let me know if you find it!

    Ohana! I love getting ready for Christmas, too!

    Went off plan this weekend at a cabaret we attended Saturday night. Am now kicking myself because I could have found ways to keep that from happening. I'm reminding myself of the lessons and putting things in place to keep that from happening again, including homework--reading Supercharged and finishing Potatoes Not Prozac. I was so grumpy yesterday that DH reminded me that he should be included in my decisions to go off plan, since he has to bear the brunt of the sugar-induced crankiness afterwards! That's only fair! We went to a Bills game yesterday to see our Brett play (they played the Jets). It was great fun and I did a great job of staying healthy.

    Back on P1 starting tonight with Taco Bake. Hope everyone has a great evening!
  • Good Monday morning, everyone! Where has the year gone?!

    Lori: God speed at your new job today. I hope that everything goes well! Let us know. Cody sounds like a dog with a lot of personality!

    Cottage: Enjoy your day observing. Sounds like a great way to get to know what's going on for Audrey!

    Ruth: I'll come rake leaves for some quilting lessons! I hope you have nice day inside today. Enjoy the fact that it's raining and just hang out with Disney and some nice hot tea!

    Phx: You have a wonderful and safe day as well! I'm on the same page as you; whipping my hind end into gear now that the weekend is over.

    Cyndi: It's strange to me to be leaving for work with it being SO bright outside! It's going to be light enough when I get off, but it will get dark fast while I'm trying to get my workout in!

    Ohana: Corpus Christi is where my DH is from and where his Dad, brother and nephew still live! I'm jealous because you're hanging out in all my old haunts! I'm ready for the real holidays as well. I do have some harvest decor up, but I did manage to sneak out a cowboy snowman snow globe and a cowboy snowman stuffed decoration! Shhhhh...don't tell DH! Enjoy your day!

    Me: Things are going well here. I definitely over-ate this weekend and the scale is definitely showing it. I'm back on plan this morning and will make working out a big priority this week.

    I was really proud of myself as yesterday I got a lot done around the house; the mini blinds were cleaned, the laundry was finished, shirts through SUNDAY ironed for both of us, my guest room closet emptied out and reorganized, the house straightened and all the Christmas decor boxes found, sorted and purged. Woohoo! That was a lot!

    Tonight will be a long strength workout, sausage soup and salad for supper, mop the kitchen and move around some of the bedroom furniture with DH's help to prepare for tomorrow's carpet steaming spree. I'm also hoping to start a Christmas present scarf and start a new book. Those last two may be wishful thinking, though!

    Well, off to get the dishes done and then off to work! I hope everyone to come has a great day and here's some for those of us that need it!!


    ETA: Hi Lisa! Your post Saturday inspired me to start sneaking out Christmas decor! Thanks!! Enjoy your day!

    Laurie: I think this was a rough weekend for a lot of us for some reason. I can attribute my being off-plan to not planning ahead and implementing what I know. I think rereading the book is a great idea. In fact, I'll take it to work and start reading it on my breaks. Thanks!!
  • Good morning ladies! Happy Monday!!!

    Lori - I hope all is going well today and the job is as good as you hoped it would be. I'm sure the new clothes are giving you an extra bit of confidence as well.

    Cottage - Cotillion sounds like it would be so much fun to watch. I hope Audry does well.

    Ruth - The leaves aren't done yet?!?!? I'm sure they will be complete when time is given for you to do that. They're not going any where Hope you find time this week for you.

    phxsunflwr - I'm with you on the whole weekend thing. I know for me it's all about being out of routine. Give me a routine and I hardly stray, leave me to my own vices and it's a free for all. Hang in there, you can do it!!!!

    Cyndi - Glad to hear that you all had a nice weekend. Good luck getting back into the swing of things at work. Hey...did you ever start to watch True Blood???

    Noemi - Little cheats on vacation are fine as long as you get back on the wagon immediately, which is what it sounds like you've done. Keep it up!!!

    Lisa - Enjoy reading your magazines. I'm glad you're enjoying the weather right now. I'm actually looking forward to a little cold.

    Laurie - Sounds like you had a very fun full weekend. It's so nice that your dh is so aware of what you're doing and how your eating. What a great partnership.

    Kim - Sounds like your day was really full. Great job getting all that work done!!! Be sure to allow yourself time to rest tonight. Don't over do it!

    Me - What a wonderful weekend we had. Both shows were fantastic. It felt good to dress up and feel cultured. Dh and I decided that we need to take advantage of where we live more often and get out to see more shows.

    Our pastor last week encouraged the congregation to fast before the election for more time for prayer and contemplation. DH was really against it at first, but I'm for it every once in a while when decisions are being made. I think it helps to get guidance that way (not to mention that it's requested of us). So dh thought really hard about it and came up with a compromise. He suggested that we for go meat for 48 hours. So we are meatless for the next two days. For me that's totally cool. We'll see how he does, but it also means 2 meatless dinners, which for me is lots of fun. Personally I'd love to eat less meat on a regular basis......maybe this will help him to see how good things without meat can be.
    So tonight I"m going to try to get the Halloween decorations down and the Harvest/Thanksgiving decorations up. We're hosting Thanksgiving this year, so I need to get a good jump on things.
    Have a great Monday ladies....and stick with it!!!
  • Hi all! I woke up in control and ready to start a new month. I am going to do a few days on phase 1 to just get completely back on track. I got up early, got in a killer workout AT THE GYM (yep, finally went back!!) and I feel great (tired, but great).
    What a weekend! I needed to declutter my house, my car, etc. Feels so much better having everything in its place. We got the outside ready for cold weather, cleaned inside, caught up on laundry, made a huge pot of veggie soup, WHEW. Tired thinking of it!!
    I also started reading the SuperCharged book. I have never read that one, just the original one. The workout info was interesting, and some of the recipes look good.

    Loriann - hope your 1st day is a great one.

    Enjoy your Monday. Weather in the 70's here today, great way to start off the week.
  • Seems there are a few of us who didn't quite stay op this weekend- I like the Moving it forward monday Lori- good thinking

    So, here goes...

    Lori- Good Luck @ the new job! I can't wait to hear how your first day was!

    Cottage- have fun @ your hair appointment! Thats something I soooo miss about where i was working before, to get to see regular clients and catch up every 4-6 weeks!!! Being in a resort I don't get many regulars at all. oh well, it has its perks too!

    Ruth- good luck getting ahead and I wish I had a wood fireplace! Our animals just loooove curling up in front of it! I am sure yours will come around~!

    Phx- I think there are many of us taking a fresh start after this weekend! good luck!

    Cyndi- WTG on being the exercise queen! I can't believe you have to leave when its still dark out! even after the time change!!! I am sure you will be adjusted in no time though

    Ohana-have fun decorating for xmas, and gl on getting back OP!

    Lisa- enjoy your tea!

    Laurie- LOL
    I was so grumpy yesterday that DH reminded me that he should be included in my decisions to go off plan, since he has to bear the brunt of the sugar-induced crankiness afterwards! That's only fair!
    I love this- my dh feels the same way!!!

    Kim-OMG girl- you got soooo much done!!! wtg! and you have inspred me to maybe make some kind of sausage soup

    Heather- nice of your hubby to compromise at least! enjoy your 2 meat free days! I have been meat free for 2 years last month and love it! lol, but I find many many meat substitutes...

    Jenski-simupost- sounds like you got a lot accomplished! Enjoy your clean house and car!!

    As for me, I am with everyone who is starting fresh today and forgetting about the weekend! I have my nice cup of Joe and am going to make an egg in a few minutes. Taking all the halloween leftover goodies to work so they can devour them! I have a lot left to do from our party, didn't feel like doing it yesterday and so that leaves me taking down all the halloween decor today so dh can troll it back up to the attic. Then, comes the Christmas stuff.... but not till thanksgiving, I just realized I don't really have any Thanksgiving decor-hmmm, maybe a trip to Hobby Lobby is in order!

    Hope everyone has a great OP day!!!
  • Happy Monday gals!

    We're busy as ever here. Tom's away for the next three weeks so I'm trying to keep my head above water. I'm feeling much better this time than last time he had to leave, so that is a positive. Eating has been major upsets, but not perfect. We don't really "do" Halloween, so there's no candy around and that helps things!

    The kids start swim lessons at the brand new indoor pool on base this week. We went over to the pool for Connor's birthday last week and they had such a blast. None of them know how to swim and I have no clue how to teach them, so I'm outsourcing for this one. Hopefully Kadyn will not freak out. She doesn't like new situations much. (Kindergarten started the third week of August and she still cries about 50% of the mornings I drop her off even though I know she loves it there because she's all smiles and happy when I pick her up.) So cross your fingers on Wednesday for us!

    Gotta run. Time to do a science experiment and then make dinner. It's roasted eggplant and onions in marinara sauce topped with cheese, over whole wheat rotini noodles tonight. I think I'll make some fake chicken strips, too. The kids LOVE this dish and just GOBBLE it up! I love that my kids love eggplant and brussels sprouts and salad.

    Have a great week, in case I don't get to check in again!

  • Kara- good luck with the swimming lessons- sounds like fun! and your dinner sounds fabulous!
  • Rikki - you little devil! LOVE the costume!! You look great. I pictured you more as an angel though... LOL.