Hi Guys

  • Happy Halloween!!!

  • Happy Halloween!!

    I HAVE to get rid of the candy in my house TONIGHT since I will grocery shop either tonight or tomorrow, and I can't have anything "bad" in the house!
  • Happy Halloween!!!

    I too have to get rid of all of the candy TODAY! If the hubby doesn't manage to pass it all out (boo hoo! I don't get home in time to do the passing out), he's going to have to take it to work with him or leave it in his truck. Can't have that chocolatey badness lying around!

    I TRIED to buy candy that I hate (Smarties, Sweet Tarts, anything non-chocolate), but he was convinced that that was the cheap crap that no one wants anyway and he didn't want to be the house in the neighborhood giving out the crappy candy. I totally tried to reason with him about that, because there are people who like those things (right?), but it was a no go.

    Woohoo...scary movies narated by the hubs (since I can't really handle the scary parts) tonight! So so fun!

    Have a Happy and Safe Halloween All!
  • Happy Halloween
  • BOO! Did I scare you?

  • I'm not 20 something, but Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!