E.F.T Tapping??

  • I've read up on it a little bit lately.
    It's a way of dealing with the mental issues of dieting i.e overeating, binging
    by means of tapping certain parts of the body in succession and reciting self-affirmations. Sounds strange, but I heard it's really effective!

    Just wondering if anyone has had any success with it??
  • Hi there...
    No word of a lie, EFT has literaly saved my life! I have been in conventional "talk therapies" on and off for 30 years. If anything it made things worse. There is a connection between my weight and my mental issues. EFT is helping me enormously with that.
    On a more specific note, it can be used to deal with cravings. I have always been a potato chip fiend... after tapping on chips back in June at an EFT class I attended, I no longer have any cravings for them whatsoever. They do not apeal to me at all! AT my work part of my job is to maintain the vending machines... meaning refill the chips etc. It just does not occur to me to eat them!!
  • I am a firm believer in EFT and have been trying to incorporate it into my daily life.

    It's certainly helped with my weight loss and I have amazing results getting over my fear of mice. I'm now working on some health issues using it.

    Search on Carol Look, Gary Craig and Patricia Carrington for some excellent information.
  • Thanks so much! This definitely makes me wanna give it a fair go.

    and I'll certainly have a look at those people
  • Mammy I just wanted to let you know there are Youtube video's on EFT... you might find them helpful... And perhaps someone will help me remember his last name; Paul xxxx he did a cable show on Mindful eating and used a similiar technique... he has book and ws with videos too... Good luck... I'm going to see if I can find what Paul's last name is...
  • yeah that's actually how i discovered it, on youtube, but i was actually searcing something compeltely different. so i think it's fate! ahah

    I've actually found an EFT specialist in my suburb, so if his prices aren't too high i'm going to go for a few sessions.

    and thanks for the help!
  • Affirmation in general can be very helpful...not sure if the tapping does anything, but there is empirical research that positive self-talk can make a difference. It can't hurt anything, in any case.
  • I took an EFT class 2 years ago. It was really interesting. It was 8 sessions, and it was geared towards food issues. But what was interesting was the emotional issues it brought forward in everyone. I'm telling you grown adults were literally bawling as they tapped. And then they shared what emotions came up. One woman talked about her feelings about how her mother hated her, had always hated her, had told her she hated her. For me, feelings about my mother's death 30 years ago that I had never fully dealt with. It was pretty amazing.

    I have to say that for me though, I didn't keep up with it. Maybe at the time I didn't want to deal. Maybe now I'm ready. Thanks for reminding me of the technique.
  • Quote: Mammy I just wanted to let you know there are Youtube video's on EFT... you might find them helpful... And perhaps someone will help me remember his last name; Paul xxxx he did a cable show on Mindful eating and used a similiar technique... he has book and ws with videos too... Good luck... I'm going to see if I can find what Paul's last name is...
    Paul McKenna.....
  • Updates from anyone? I discovered several EFT podcasts on itunes that I've been listening to the last week or so. I'm thinking to try to incorporate it into my morning meditation routine.
  • I'm watching this thread, too. I downloaded the info off Gary Craig's website, and have tried a couple run-through's on myself. I'm hoping to convince DH to try it for his smoking - he's quitting, and life is bit "tense" on the ol' homestead.
  • My father in law is pretty heavy into this. He is self-taught but seems to do ok. He uses it for his arthritic pain and he went through a session with me once when i had a migraine. I have to say it didnt do much for relieving the pain but it was a distraction from the pain and that was a welcome relief. Does that make sense? I hope so.