which diet is best

  • I was on this site about a year ago trying to lose weight. I fell of the wagon. Last week my little brother informed me I was going to be in his wedding. So now I GOTTA DO IT!! I have until Sept 26 2009 to lose approx. 60 pds. I just don"t know what way is the best for me. I have tried it all once or twice. Does anyone have any suggestions? I love fruits and veggies. Anything else I can handle as long as it is not to complicated. Please help!
  • Hi there!

    When you say "not complicated", how are you defining complicated? Some people would call calorie counting complicated, because of all the math involved. For me, calorie counting is the LEAST complicated, because I can find the calories for almost anything, or at least get an idea of them, and I don't have to cut anything out. For others, programs like Weight Watchers Core or South Beach are less complicated, because you don't have to count everything, you just have to follow guidelines about the types of foods you can eat and stick to them.

    So which type are you looking for? Look around at our different forums, and find something you think you can stick with for life so the changes you make are permanent and carry you through maintenance.

    Can't wait to hear more from you!
  • Calorie Counting works best for me.The best diet for you is the one you will follow.
  • I was going to say the best diet is one that works for you, but others have beaten me to it.

    I count calories because I"m the type of person who, if you tell me I have to eat something, I automatically don't want it, and if you tell me I can't eat something, I automatically crave it. So diets that say I have to eat X or I can't eat Y simply don't work for me. Some people do really well with that kind of direction and guidance, though.

    WW didn't work for me ultimately because I started trying to figure out points vs. calories and frustrating myself.

    Calorie counting works because there's nothing that I can't eat as long as I can fit it into my calorie plan. I like to cook and I like variety in my meals - at least in my evening meals - and so I feel like I have the flexibility to live my life, eat foods I like, even go out once in a while ... as long as I watch my calories.

    But that's just me!

  • calorie counting is the best!!no doubt
  • great advise
    Thank you all for the great advise. Sound like calorie counting wins out. I need to be flexible when it comes to my meals. It is hard to cook a great meal for my husband and not at least eat some of it.Thanks again I am sure I will have more questions in the future.This seems to be a great site for support!
  • I agree, calorie counting has worked for me also!
  • Despite the fact that reducing carbs with an exchange plan is the plan that I'm finding works best for myself, I would still recommend that anyone start with a straight forward calorie counting or exchange plan. They're both simple and the least restrictive. Under either you can find almost any food listed online or in book form. If you're already eating a fairly balanced diet (and sound like you are), it probably doesn't matter a bit, which one you choose. If you feel your diet is just a little out of balance, an exchange plan is great for ensuring some balance (there are ways to do this with calorie counting now though as well, with online resources like Calorie King and Daily Plate and dozens if not hundreds of others).

    A book I read about ten years ago, that's still in print (and available for under $5 at amazon.com) called The unofficial guide to dieting safetly, was a great book explaining and comparing the popular diets at the time (most of which are still popular today). South Beach wouldn't have been in there, I would think. And the author may have been a bit harsh on the lower carb diets. Which I tend to believe, even though I'm on one, shouldn't generally be a person's first choice. I wouldn't have considered a low carb diet at all, if it hadn't been recommended by my doctor for insulin resistance (and it still took the recommendation of a second doctor who had used low carb herself).

    I'm not saying that I think low carb diets are inappropriate, well at least not for everyone, but why cut out more than you have to? Start with the least restrictive and only add in other "rules" or consider other options if you have to. For me, carbs (sugars and starches, especially if they don't include a lot of water and fiber) trigger crazy hunger and binging, so limiting them has really helped.
  • Quote: which diet is best
    The one you will stick to while losing the weight...and...the one you will stick to to maintain your loss for the rest of your life!
  • I'm sorta loosey-goosey about calorie counting. I choose the lower calorie foods for sure but I also like to just eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, and exercise a bit. I don't think I'm on a program really, but I eat throughout to day to avoid bingeing.
  • I've found the only diet that works for me is calorie counting. That way, you don't have deny yourself things you might crave, just eat them in smaller quantities. And the math doesn't lie- you can see the numbers to tell how well you're doing.
  • I have to agree with the calorie couting method as well! At the end of the day, that is what makes the numbers on the scale look better. And, yes, I big on the fruits and veggies also!

    I think that motivation is important also. I had to figure out what motivated me and would keep me moving in the right direction. For me, I decided to actually join a gym...the ole I'm paying for it so I better use it mentality I got from my parents. After a month or so of the same things everyday at the gym, I decided to join a class. I LOVE THE CLASSES!! These keep me motivated and I recommend them to anyone that asks me what has helped me lose weight. I do a high/low aerobics, spinning, and toning...I just had to keep trying different stuff so I wouldn't get bored. Good luck!!! You can do it!!!
  • Calorie Counting For Sure

    Gradually build up to reaching the goals you really want for your life, but start out with smaller goals at first. Don’t completely cut out all of the foods that you eat on a regularly, don’t weigh yourself every day either. Don’t set unrealistic goals. Set goals that you can reach, but not easily. This will allow you to move forward and even if you fall short you will still feel successful. Setting impossible goals will only leave you frustrated and ready to give up.

    The most important thing to remember is to know your limitations, and know yourself. You must be happy with yourself as a person, on the inside, before you can change anything about yourself on the outside.
  • The South Beach diet works! Want to find out more about it then come read some of the stickies in our section! We'll be happy to answer your questions. There is no calorie counting and we have lists of foods you can eat and can't eat.