New to SB and need support!

  • Hi all, my name is Nancy and I am on my first day of SB. It is really hard for me so far...I miss my carbs and v8 and plain yogurt isn't doing it for me!

    But, I really do want to lose weight and end my carb addiction, so I could use some support and motivation.

    Thanks all, I am excited to be doing this but feeling hungry and blah right now.
  • Hi Nancy! Welcome to the SB forum. You will find lots of support and many helpful suggestions here. The first part of Ph1 is difficult, but after the first few days it will get much easier, I promise. It feels so great to be rid of those cravings for bad carbs. My advice is to not let yourself get too hungry. Have a snack whenever you feel you want one, as long as it is a Ph1 approved food. Don't limit yourself when it comes to veggies, beans, etc. Just be careful of your nut consumption. Make sure you get in a serving of beans and 2 cups of nonfat or lowfat dairy every day - these will help get you through Ph1. Drink lots of water. Remember that the main point of Ph1 is to break the carb addiction, and the weight loss varies and is a side benefit. The real weight loss comes in Ph2, and you will be able to add back fruits and grains at that time also. Be sure to read through the stickies in the FAQ section. There is a good one for those new to Ph1. If you haven't read the book, pick up a copy and read it. It explains very well the purpose of Ph1.
  • HI and Welcome! loads of great support in here!!!
  • Welcome to South Beach. Phase I really works and gets easier after the first few days. I agree with the advice to eat whenever you are hungry and read the book if you haven't done so. It explains the reason for the different phases.
  • hi!
  • ! Come and join the other Phase I chickies on the Phase I Chick-Check Thread which I just realized didn't get started up yesterday!
  • Welcome to the boards!! We love newbies around here. Feel free to ask any questions you might have. If you like to cook, be sure to check out the recipe section. And when you feel board with your food choices, the What's for Dinner thread is a great source of inspiration.
    Good luck on your journey!!!
  • A couple of snacks that help me feel like I am getting carbs but are SB friendly are to take Turkey Pepperoni and crisp it in your microwave (mine takes about 60 – 75 seconds. It really gives you a salty crunch that makes you feel less deprived. Another one is to take a stick of light string cheese; cut into 8 sections, put on parchment paper and microwave (mine takes about 75 seconds). My husband even likes these so I have to make some for him too.

    If I think of any other tips I’ll post those but these are the ones that first come to mind.
  • to The Beach, Nancy! I DO hope you have read the book first, before starting on this plan. It really explains so much and you'll find it extremely helpful. Check out our FAQ section and our recipe boards, too. We have some really yummy Phase 1 recipes to help you get through your two weeks without feeling deprived at all.
    For yogurt, you can make a delicious treat by stirring in some cinnamon and splenda, or adding SF jam (yes, you may on Phase 1), SF jello powder, Crystal Light powder, SF syrup, or even SF cocoa powder.
    Good luck, and we look forward to chatting with you!
  • Thanks ladies! I have read the book (the new Supercharged version), although I think I need to reread it for inspiration.

    Splenda did not sit well with me as a sugar substitute, so far I'm having more luck with Truvia (a form of stevia) although I am proceeding cautiously after my Splenda disaster *eek*

    Lunch and dinner today were really good - I just need to work on the other meals. And I have been peeing like crazy, which I guess is good?!?

    24 hours down, just need to keep it up! Thanks for the support!

  • It's great to meet you. SB will become easier as you go along. Just stick with it. There are so many great recipes that people have come up with here. They are life savers!