At Home Support Oct 19-25th Treat with no Trick

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  • Hello my fellow Chicks!
    Time for a new week, new beginning and new thread

    I thought I would start this week and talk a bit about how we all deal with the onslaught of candy/treats that surrounds us just before Halloween and the holidays period.

    I guess I am lucky I don't feel the temptation that some have when sweets are in front of them--don't get me wrong I do eat them--but my problem is I think I am being so good if I only have 'one' but when the offending temptation is left I tend to walk by and take 'one' here and 'one' there and before I know it the pts add up and I may as well have sat down with a bowl! does this sound familiar? Guess I am not lucky just fooling myself.

    So I vowed not to buy the required bags for the horde of neighborhood kiddies until 'the day' cutting down on temptation, then insist that my girls take any leftovers to their bedrooms out of my sight...that might work

    btw I am feeling better after my surgery, still swollen and bloated waiting for those pounds to leave so I have an accurate weigh in. You think I should be back to normal weight within a week? two? would love your advice

    Anyway I look forward to hearing how you all handle this upcoming challenge
  • Halloween is sooooo hard for me. Growing up my mother and I probably consumed 20 lbs of candy a week. Seriously. I could LIVE on candy. It's so hard. And it won't get any easier when it's over. We still have Thanksgiving... then Christmas... Halloween is like a test run. Thank GOD my son isn't old enough to eat candy! Now my husband, on the other hand, will probably contribute to this struggle, lol... but he's a twig, so I can't deny him his candy just because of MY genetics. I swear I can LOOK at candy and gain 5 lbs. Good Luck... I'll be needing 24 hr support on this site to get through haha
  • This year we are not buying candy... we bought a bunch of little play-dough things from Costco. There is a good chance our house will get egg'd... but it is a risk worth taking.
    On a different note... has anyone ever attempted to help a family member lose weight and then found that you are more hurt than they are when things dont go well. I am trying to help my significant other shed some weight through healthy eating and exercise. He always talks about wanting to lose, and is willing to eat healthy and track calories, and everything. No resistance at all. I didn't even suggest/encourage him to join me on this journey... he wanted to and approached me. But now I find that I am having to constantly remind him to food journal, and when he makes bad food choices I get more upset than he does. I don't let my disappointment show... but it really upsets me. His weight has tormented him for as long as we have been together and I just want him to not have to worry about it anymore. I feel awful for this, it is embarrassing to write about. Of course... I love him and am attracted to him no matter what happens. I just really want to see him achieve his goals. It is so hard to watch him drink 5 beers with chips (as he is doing right now) and not say anything. Sorry this was so long guys, it has been running through my head for awhile. Any help would be great... I am thinking I should just tell him he is on his own with this and that I can't be as involved. He is always asking for my help though so it is hard.
  • OH goodness - the dreaded Halloween candy I can resist the candy if the bag is closed; however, once that baby is open, I find myself having a Butterfinger here, or a Baby Ruth there -

    The regular candy does not tempt me at all - it's only those little "fun size" chocolate bars and packs of M&M's that get me! Our kiddos aren't huge fans of the chocolate, so my plan is to send all of the tempting candy to DH's work - it will get devoured there instead of by me at my house!

    Ami - I LOVE those little candy bars - I could eat a bag of them on a day - before WW I know that I did!

    time - My DH was the same way when I started WW. He really wanted to lose, but continued to make bad food choices. I finally told him that he knew how many points he had available, and everything was labled in th pantry with point values - if he wanted to stick with it he could. I just realized that until HE REALLY wants to change his lifestyle and eating habits, nothing I do or say will help. I will say; however, he has been eating healthier since I okk most of the meals. I have only been making enough to feed our family, with no leftovers. This has helped a lot since my DH eats so fast that he doesn't realize he's full. I know it's hard, but it is thier choice. Oh - also wanted to say - I could not buy things like chips and the occasional cookies, BUT I don't think it is fair for my kids. I have made sure that they are very healthy eaters, and they deserve to have a few cheetos or a cookie or 2 in thier lunch boxes at school.

    Nancy - glad that you are recovering nicely. I can't tell you about when the bloating should go down, the only surgery I ever had were C-sections - I know it took me almost a month to lose all the water weight and swelling, but that could be relaed to hormones too!

    Well, I am back on my eating plan today. The carnival was a HUGE success! We still have money coming in from Live and Silent auction items, but so far we have brought in $44,500! We are thrilled with that result! I'll let you know when our final numbers come in what we made!

    Hope that evryone has an OP week! I will be starting a new thread for menus later today so please post what you are eating!
  • Morning all!

    Ok halloween candy isn't bad for me either. I'm a dark chocolate lover.. and there is rarely a ton of that in their baskets, lol.. easter is actually harder for me because there seems to be more chocolate in general. But on halloween when I go through their candy the night we get home I may take a fun size snickers or something but that will be about it.. and I'll count those pts as well

    Texas congrats on the carnival sucess!!! that is awesome! Yeah I need to post more on the menu thread. I just think my meals are borning and no one will want to hear about them, lol.. I'm not a big cook so meals are simple around here or premade.. that's why I love ww,lol.. no special foods or challenging recipes, lol..

    Time, I think the playdoh is a great idea! my kids would LOVE getting that! And yes I've battled my dh on his efforts to lose weight as well. Right now he's talking about wanting to do ww with me and I'm tempted to buy him his own kit but I need to know he's serious first. He's done this many times before. And yes, it just frustrates me when I'm working hard and he isn't. But if he did join he'd get 43 pts a day!!! that is a ton of pts! I would think it would be easy to lose weight on that per day, lol..

    Ami, we'll definitely be here to support you! Stay strong, lol.. and sending it to work with your dh is a great idea!

    Nancy, so glad you are starting to feel better! as for the swelling and bloating, well it can last up to a month or more. Just depends on if you are taking it easy etc, if you over do it it will take longer for your body to heal. So take it easy! LOL!!

    well it's time to get my kids to school/daycare. The start of another LONG week. my goal this week it 2 lbs gone.. so to do that I need to up my exercise! so I plan on 40 min a day on the treadmill and hoping to get The Firm out of the box as well, lol..
  • Hello!
    Texas:Congrats on the fundraising, sounds like a huge success!!
    Spryng: Good luck with the firm... I love exercise videos, I use them more than my gym membership!
    Last night I told the BF that I was no longer going to ask him about calories/points/anything diet or food related. I said it was up to him to be healthy, if he has questions or needs support I am here... but he has to approach me first. I will still cheer him on when he tells me he is doing well, but otherwise I leaving it up to him. It is a big weight off my shoulders. It's hard enough watching what I eat, but trying to help him control his weight as well is just too much. He took it well... he understands where I am coming from.
    My goal for Halloween is 145... I am realizing that reasonable goals work best for me (nothing more than 1-2lbs per week).
    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • texs great fund raiser that was a lot of hard work!

    sprying-you will love doing the firm I have 5 or 6 dvd and love each one of them even though I have not been doing them the past 6months..time thing for me.

    as for the dh and losing weight--I think that the best advice is support them but don't do it for them. They will either want to lose weight or not. We all had to reach that point and make a comitment so quit banging you head against the wall, accept that they will or will not and follow your plan

    You are all right about the swelling and bloating, I think the biggest thing for me will be not to over do, I got on the scale this morning and a total of 6 out of the 9 pounds have come off so I will continue to rest and follow my ww plan
  • Afternoon all!

    ok so since there is not a menu thread yet (a new one that is) I will post my menu for today here

    B- jimmy dean D-lite sausage, egg and cheese english muffin- 5 pts
    L- mesquite chicken sandwich- 6 (mequite chicken breast = 4 pts 2 slices light bread = 1 pt lf mayo = 1pt) and progresso light soup (1 cup) = 0 pts
    S- grapes = 1 pt
    D-cheesy bbq chicken thighs= 6 pts per serving. and zero pt veggies

    that leaves me 2 pts for an evening snack if I need one

    I got in 40 min on my treadmill today, excited about that earned 2 activity pts. Course I rarely eat them. So all in all the week is starting out nicely.

    Also, got a new favorite zero pt snack to share sf jello with 2 tbls of ff whipped topping.. it's zero pts and its good and helps with the sweet tooth! the kids ate all my jello so I'm gonna have to buy more now, lol..
    what are your favorite zero or 1pt snacks?

    Another question.. how many zero pt items can you eat in one day before you need to start counting them? years ago I think it was 3 but I didn't know if that changed or not, it's not in my new material that I can find. Anyone know?

    Nancy, yes I love The Firm! I bought a set years ago but never had the fanny lifter so I used books and a step stool, lol. this time I treated myself to the newest system with the transfirmer steps, I know it really tones you up quickly. But I'm pooped from 40 min on the treadmill so I don't think I'll get it in today.. maybe tomorrow I'll just do 20 min on the treadmill so I can incorporate that after work.. well tomorrow is parent teacher conferences, so maybe wedsnesday, lol.. Hey maybe I should just break it up into segments like I do the treadmill! do 10 min at a time until the video is complete... do you think I'd still get the same benefits from it? Hmmm... this is getting me thinking, lol.. I can do 20 min on the treadmill then a complete Firm DVD in segments as well.. what do you think? So glad 6 of those lbs have left you! another week and you'll feel good as new!

    Time, good for you to talk to your bf! I'm glad it took the weight off your shoulders! I would have to do that too. My friend who was doing ww at home with me decided that she rather count calories and it kinda bummed me out. but I have to remember that we have to pick a plan we will stick with and if hers is calorie counting then I'm just gonna have to support her no matter what I'll just miss exchanging pt ideas with her..

    Well, I think I've rambled on enough, lol.. sorry I get like this when I'm too happy, lol.. doesn't happen too often I promise! LOL!
  • Spry, I don't know about the zero point thing wish I did some of the things I like are zero points
    As for the firm I never bought the fanny lifter just used a stool and it worked great and you should be able to break up the routine.

    I hope you are right about the rest of the weight coming back off quickly it will make my pt counting feel more worth wile lol
  • Hi everyone! Well, I guess that the 40 lbs that I lost is finally starting to show. Four of my coworkers commented on how good I was looking yesterday. When I told them I dropped 40 lbs they were shocked When you start out bigger, I think that it takes a lot more lbs gone for people to notice that you've lost anything! It was nice to hear that other could notice a change!

    Time - WTG on setting a goal! Stick with the plan and you can acheive it! Those 1-2 lbs a week will quickly add up to 8-10 lbs a month.

    Nancy and Spryng - I *think* that you are allowed five 0 pt foods per day before you start counting them. BUT you cann not use two 0 pt foods in the same sitting or they count as points. The only exception to that is veggies. I *believe* that you can have as many of those as you want! Also, if you see that your weight begins to stall, you may want to cut back on your 0 pt foods.

    Well, I have severly neglected the housework in the midst of all of the carnival planning! I am planning on cleaning most of the day. I just finished my green tea and am off to "Walk Away the Pounds"! I rented a "Bellydance fo fitness" DVD from netflix and tried it out yesterday - it was pretty fun and gave me a break from the regular Walk Away the Pounds video!

    Thanks for all of the positive comments on the carnival! I sure am happy we did so well, but I am THRILLED that it is over!

    Hope everyone has an OP day! I'll post my menu later once I figure out what is for dinner!
  • Morning all!

    Texas that is so awesome that people are noticing your weightloss! Did you take before pics so when you are at goal you can show us your new body? Yeah I love netflix for workout videos, alot you can watch right on your pc, I just hook it up to my tv and do some. I haven't done that in awhile so thanks for reminding me! Oh and you are right on about the zero pts foods! I asked a leader on the official ww site and you are exactly right about the whole process So that is good to know, I was cutting myself down thinking it was just 3 a day yay!

    Nancy, yeah the Firm is easy to find something to take the place of the fanny lifter and get the same results. I did decide today I would do my 10 min intervals on the firm instead of my treadmill. Got parent teacher conferences after school so I know I wouldn't do it after work today. So I'm gonna switch up my routine some

    Well guess I better go get chained into my desk, lol.. I plan on taking the kids to get kids meals after parent teacher conferences so I'm adding that into my pts for today. I love getting 5 pieces of chicken nuggets and a small fry all for 10 pts at mcd's so that is probably what I'll have for dinner tonight, yum! something to look forward to
  • I thought I posted yesterday, but I guess something happened...
    Texscrapper, it's awesome when people start noticing your weightloss! (and feel confident enough to comment on it)!
    Nancy, that's great that the water weight is leaving, slowly but surely!
    Time2shine- my mom gets frustrated with my dad for the same reasons... I don't have that problem, since my DH can't gain weight if he tries (he's 6 feet and 140 lbs, and pretty much has been since HS...) but I definitely understand what you're dealing iwth!

    Sorry I have been absent. We've had some yucky colds around here, and my DH is in the middle of finals. I managed to lose 1.5 lbs this last week (I'm sure the cold helped - only upside to being sick) so I just need to be good and not gain it back this week. I go to California in 4 days (sans kids and husband, just me and two of my best friends from college) - that's so crazy! I will try hard not to over-eat there. I don't expect to lose this week, but I don't want to gain, either! Then I'll go right back to my no-sugar thing, because all that Halloween chocolate usually triumphs over my will power otherwise. Hang in there everybody - we all know we want the weightloss more than we want those yummy sugar cookies the neighbor brought over or that someone brought into the office. What is it about offices? When I worked, at least 2-3 times a month, someone would bring a whole dozen donuts in on Fridays. And birthdays and holidays were ridiculous. (and oh so yummy...)
  • Sara - good to see you back and enjoy your Girls weekend! It should be fun!

    I have a question for you guys - do you typically measure vegetables? I haven't been measuring my 0 point veggies (lettuce, spinach, mushrooms). I record them, but not sure if it is necessary to know exactly how many cups I'm eating of it - What do you think?
  • texs thants for the info on the 0 pts I will use that as my guide line from this point forward. As for people noticing you missing 40 pounds well WHOO HOO it does feel good doesn't it?

    spry don't worry about being chained to your desk as long as the cookies and candy do not follow LOL

    sara good job on the 1.5 pounds down, that is great

    Well today I am feeling better, I can tell I am soo bored being at home and restricted to what I can do. I am going to take a short walk and hope I get tired enough for a nap. This recovery stuff is for the birds! I am hopping the rest of the bloat and water weight will come off this week then I can get back to the joy of losing real fat LOL my goal is to lose a total of 25 pounds by christmas that is only 12 more to go (once the bloat is gone)
  • Afternoon all! the work day is over! yay!

    Nancy, nope no cookies or candy follows me to my desk, lol.. I'm not a big sweet eater but I did have a sj jello with ff whipped topping, all for zero pts yay! Enjoy your walk, you deserve it. and just think becuase you are still counting pts etc you may lose more than just water weight!

    Texas I do not measure my zero pt veggies. As one person stated on the ww site, we didn't get fat from eating too much vegetables, lol.. and she was right. Like last night I just piled on the green beans on my plate

    Sara, I bet you are getting super excited about your trip! how long will you be gone?

    Well, my dh unexpected came home today. His truck needs to be worked on so it's in the shop.. so he gets to go to parent teacher conferences with me!
    guess I better start getting ready.