Has anyone ever

  • stayed within their points, eating not the most healthy stuff, but still within your limits, and lost weight?? Just wondering. I would love to have hope that I could still lose even though my points were somewhat wasted on less than healthful choices.
  • Hi pooka,

    I don't do weight watchers, but I am familiar with it. I think the calories in/calories out concept is true, and you can probably still lose weight if you stay within your points.

    I would guess that the problem with choosing less healthful choices (besides not getting your necessary nutrients) is that you'd end up having to eat a lot less since the less healthy stuff tends to be more points. Then you'd probably be starving in between meals and (I would probably) end up saying heck with the points!!!

    Maybe a compromise between *mostly* healthy choices, then some treats? My sister has had an amazing weight loss following her 80-20 rule. 80% healthy stuff, and 20% whatever.

    Best of luck to you!!!!!
  • Thanks Shannon! I guess I have been on a WW funk. It is seriously hard for me to "cheat" per se, and I have noticed sine Aug. 28th when I went back to WW I have been like glue to the rules. Well, you know what they say about all work and no play. I decided to try and splurge on sat. give myself a "no-point" counting day, but all that has resulted in is me craving everything sugary! Ugh! I hate that I have done this to myself. I feel so derailed :-(
  • Even when I had a said bad week I still lose, but I find if I make better choices and still stay within my points but eat better I lose more. If I eat most of my points if junk I lose just not as much.
  • I'm not on ww, but I pretty much do that with my calories for the day, and I've lost 34lbs.
  • Mindy,
    Don't beat yourself up too much. One bad day will not derail you unless you let it! Get back on the track and give yourself a break. This is for the long haul and the good thing is you do not have to give up treats. I try to get my 8HGs in then allow myself to eat the extras. I have heard that if you eat enough protein it will help stop the sugary cravings.
    Good Luck,
  • thanks guys! I should admit that my better judgement got ahold of me by the end of the day I had calculated my points eaten and flexed out the rest. so, I guess it wasn't really a "free day" it was just a day of eating nothing healthy, but still within my points.
    Anyway, I do need to remember that this is a lifestyle change and I don't think that I can avoid all yummy (bad for ya) foods forever, so I guess me and sweets will need to re-evaluate our relationship and come to an agreement, lol!
  • The first time I did WW, I lost 20 pounds (which was my goal) and ate junk. I stuck within my 20 point daily limit but it was not getting in the "good guidelines" like they suggest. It's not a good way to do it because you are not learning to eat healthy but I went from fast food daily to maybe 3 times a week. On on that chicken nugget meal from mcdonalds day, I would save up all my points for that. B A D idea, yes, I know that now (now I try to stay away from all fast food), but don't beat yourself up. Really try to eat that good stuff but you will probably still loose if you really are sticking within your point range.
  • i did that the first time on weight watchers , staying within points,, but eating unhealthy food, it worked until I would "forget" to count points then I became very lax about actually thinking about the points and decided, aww the heck with it. Now i hope to include mostly healthy choices with a few treats--that's what flex points are for? to enjoy your new lifestyle? I like ww with the weekly flex points, because I don't feel so deprived. I enjoy a little of everything.
  • Weighed in today loss 1.1 lb. A serious sigh of relief ;-)
  • There is some positive feedback! Congratulations!
  • I'm extremely picky, so eating lots of veggies and fruits is hard for me unless I had 10 points of apples and carrots every day. I still eat white bread, white rice, I don't buy low fat anything, I just eat less of the 'regular' stuff. I find if I eat some of the full flavoured stuff, I crave it less and do better. That said, WW should be a lifestyle change, not a diet, so you should be able to OCCASIONALLY splurge your points on something less than healthful, that's what the 35 extra points are for!