Christmas Goal Setting

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  • My goal is to really push and go for 15-20 pounds between now and Christmas day! I've talked it over with my husband, taken a look at a calendar to make sure there are enough weeks to do this and written out a killer grocery list with a ton of variety.

    So, where is the best place to post to get support for this goal? Is there a daily tracking message board or are there chat rooms? I'm very motivated to make this a jump start to a much greater weight loss (I have about 60-65 to lose).
  • I think here, starting a thread just like this one is a great way to go. Personally, I want to lose at least another 15 pounds by Christmas as well. My minimum goal is to be at 175 by 12/25. That would be very cool!
  • You can do it! We are in this together. I can't wait to get down to your weight. LOL. I can't believe I let myself gain after I went so far. I think being diagnosed with MS was my excuse to eat. Well, guess what? There are always excuses and I'm sure being overweight isn't good for the disease either. =0)
  • Quote: You can do it! We are in this together. I can't wait to get down to your weight. LOL. I can't believe I let myself gain after I went so far. I think being diagnosed with MS was my excuse to eat. Well, guess what? There are always excuses and I'm sure being overweight isn't good for the disease either. =0)
    You are doing awesome now though. You have made the decision to get healthy and no matter how long the journey takes (hey, it's never really over though, is it? ) you'll do it! We all can and will.
  • ideally i want to loose 11lbs....
    but i very much doubt this will happen....
    im too close to goal....
  • I want to be 200lbs [or maybe 199.9!] by Christmas.

    My goal for October was to be 226, but there's about 2 weeks left, and I'm hanging around 227-229, so I will probably lose another 4-5lbs. So 200lbs seems 100% reachable!
  • I am 171.5 right now, just starting and I would love to be 155 by Christmas. That is about 1.5 pounds a week. I am hoping with Fat Smash Diet will give me a boost so the remaining weeks won't be such a struggle.
  • I'd like to lose another 30-35 by Christmas. I'm in the initial phase right now and losing a ton really quickly and I don't think I'll have slowed that down by then so it's totally doable. I'd like to be 325... working hard to make it happen!
  • hiya, iv got a similar goal. i started a thread about a week ago regarding loosing 21lbs by christmas. so we've pretty much working with the same weight loss in the same time frame.
    keep posting how you are doing to let us know
    are you following a certain plan?
    goodluck x
  • Of course we can do this I have a Christmas goal...mine isn't much..but it's a goal...and a milestone for me,because being below 200 is one thing for me,I haven't been below 200 since like 10 years ago,so being below 190 is even more of a milestone for me....I want to be ATLEAST 185 by Christmas!!!! Hey I've got an idea...why don't we keep this thread going as a "goal thread" come back everyday or ever week which ever is better for some of us and post to keep everybody else updated on our progress,fallbacks,etc...anybody else want to do this too???? I neeeeed a thread to hang out at!!LOL I'm ready to make some new friends!!
  • Quote: ideally i want to loose 11lbs....
    but i very much doubt this will happen....
    im too close to goal....
    You can do this,that's what I want ot lose by know you won't lose it with that attitude!! I bet if you try to be more positive it'll come off!!
  • I don't really like the idea of setting "permanent" goal more than a month ahead, but I'll give a tentative one. There's ten weeks and 3 days left....soooo, I am going to aim for 20 pounds by Christmas. 235! That would be great!
  • I want to be 130 lbs by Christmas.

    I hope I can do it!
  • Hooray! I'm so glad to see I'm in good company. I'm counting calories and writing down what I eat. I'm keeping my WW information at the back of my mind in terms of eating the right foods. Calculating points always seemed like too much work but counting calories is a lot easier.

    As for exercise, I'm going to do the elliptical today when my husband gets home. I'm not sure how long I can make it for my first day, but I'm going to try really hard.

    Good for us! Keep me posted because I really want to see how everyone is doing.
  • I'll jump in on this thread too. You all are getting me motivated . I've been at a stand still for quite a while and even though I feel like I'm constantly working towards my goal, I'm not really doing enough. I think I'm the queen of excuses!
    I would love to be in the 130's by Christmas. Ideally, I'd like to be down by 10 pounds, but in the 130's would make me happy. Usually it's one of my New Years resolutions to loose these (same) extra pounds. How cool would it be to go into the New Year already making progress!
    Okay, so I calorie count and do some kind of exercise 4-5 days a week. I have to write down my food to keep me honest. I'll be checking in here for more inspiration.
    We can totally do this!