Aussie Chicks 2008 - Take III

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  • Woohoo, way to go Kel, that's an awesome result

    Glad to hear that your stuff finally arrived Lindor! Now you'll be able to really get settled in and make the place a home.

    Vonni am I right in thinking that you're seeing the doctor tomorrow? If so, best of luck

    Ani, you're doing so well with your walk across Australia! Keep at it. A couple of bad weeks isn't bad in the big scheme of things. Just keep plugging away.

    I had lots of fun at my friend's hen's night on Friday. Friday, Saturday and probably Sunday were not great days in terms of my diet but I did manage to keep active.

    Took mum's dog for 20 minute walks on Friday and Saturday and then went for a 35 minute mountainbike ride yesterday.

    Back on track with food today and am looking forward to hitting the gym tonight.

  • Bugga thought tomorrow but it's the 10th so NEXT Tuesday. Glad I looked at app card after I read posts.

    Kel way to go on loss. I to have a loss not much but back down to 77.1.

    Went to my brothers 50th on Sat and semi family reunion. Was great to catch up with everyone, some i hadnt seen in 12 years. Had a ball. Kids had a blast swimming with their little cousins. We all got sunburnt even with hats n sunscreen. Went to seaworld yesterday and drove back after. Got home at 9.30pm so tired today.

    B ut no rest for me. Paperwork to take to hospital and app with school for kids and photoes to upload. Will post link when i get em up.

    vonni xx
    PS Lindor funny y should be like that... i got a reference from boss and its a form that QLD health gives for them to fill out. It says in one bit I have no hesitation in voicing concerns lmao. How diplomatic.
  • Hey Amy how do you get your photos on the forum??? I tried but it won't let me.
  • Oh that's stink Vonni, you have to wait another whole week! What a pain.

    I had a great day yesterday. Diet was really good and I had a great session of weights and cardio at the gym last night.

    Goals for today are to eat well (will be interesting as I've got hardly any food) and to have a good workout at the gym tonight.

    I'm in the process of flat hunting at the moment and that's really frustrating. I'm going to be flatting with a friend who's recently broken up with her partner but finding something nice at a reasonable price is not easy.

    I'm also pondering consolidating my debts and borrowing some more so that I can get a new car. Problem with that is that I'd be committing to a 3 year loan which I don't know that I like the sound of.

    Ho hum. Lots of thinking to do.

  • Make sure you have a written agreement with the friend in case she gets back with the partner, Amy - I've been left in the lurch like that before!
  • You talking to me Gen? My name's Julia

    Very little chance of them getting back together - it was an amicable split, he wasn't willing to budge on the issue of having kids so they agreed it was best to split. They've sold their business and their house so it's all pretty final.

    I won't be giving notice on my place until we've signed up for something.
  • Hellooooo

    Where is everyone today?

    I weighed in last night and am up 200g to 87.1kg. I see a pattern forming!

    Had a really good day yesterday, stuck to my points and had a great workout at the gym.

    Unfortunately I'm not going to be able to go to the gym tonight or tomorrow night due to other committments and I've got a friend visiting for the weekend so getting to the gym then won't be easy either.

    I did set my alarm for 6am today to go to the gym before work but I pushed the snooze button too many times and didn't manage to get there.

    So. I'm going to have to really screw down and focus on my diet this week if I'm to avoid doing any damage. That will be a BIG challenge.

  • I'm here - my computer is playing up and keeps switching itself off. I rang the Apple service centre yesterday and described the problem, and they told me it is almost cheaper to buy a new computer than to fix this one . And it's going to die any day now…

    Never mind - a friend has offered to sell me her old one for $150, and that should get me through a year or so while I save up for a new one.

    I'm having a *better* week, and sticking to my goals. I feel a bit sick in the tummy - my close friend got dumped by her philandering partner on Monday, and I think I'm hurting on her behalf.

    Anyway I have two days off now and this is the time I tend to drag myself off track. When my days aren't structured I get a bit slack, so the challenge is for me to stick to my goals today and stay strong.
  • Doh - I knew that. Sorry Julia!
  • Where did everybody go?
  • This is THE most frustrating, annoying and tedious time I have been through in my weight loss. I am at the point where I am SO close, I look smaller, feel smaller but I'm not happy to stop here.

    But at this weight it requires a lot more effort to lose a kilo, and it's a lot harder to find the motivation to do that. I feel like I am on a trampoline: up, down, up, down, try a somersault, go for a spin, land flat on my @rse .

    I would like to say that I am stuck on a plateau - but that would be a lie. I go for a few days with all guns blazing, and then the next day I'll just eat a little bit too much.

    I'm not behaving like someone who wants to lose weight. I'm behaving like an idiot! It is bad, bad bad to abuse food (and my body) like this - and it's a mini pattern of the old habits that got me fat in the first place: all/nothing/all/nothing!

    Right Ani THAT'S IT! Either I am serious about embracing this healthy lifestyle or I am not. Either I want to be a healthy weight, or I want to get fat again. Either I am going to be successful in my journey, or I am going to fail! There is no middle ground, no compromise, no excuse.

    So here's the plan:

    • The scales come out again on Monday and I suck up the results, no matter how bad they are.

    • I work on the concept of finding freedom and balance in my life. In relation to my weight loss I am looking for balance.

    • I demand consistency from myself - re-think my food plan, become a bit more adventurous in the food I prepare and eat.

    • I STOP listening to people who tell me I don't need to lose any more weight - because they are wrong.

    And here's the incentive:

    My mother gave me $500 the other day. It was a gift to help me pay some bills, buy some clothes… because she knows I struggle financially with the amount of rent I pay.

    I'm going to give it to my most trusted friend to look after. If, by the end of May, I get on the scales and am below 70kg I will get the money back. If I don't get below 70kg, the money will be donated to the political party I HATE the most.

    And if that threat doesn't scare me into getting off my complacent @rse, I don't know what will.
  • Holy sh!tballs Ani, what an incentive! You sound so determined, I have NO doubt that you can do this. You know what you want and you know what you have to do to achieve it. Just let us know if there's anything we can do to help you out.

    I went to the movies last night to see Changeling. It was a harrowing story but a very good film. I seem to be incapable of going to the movies and not eating something so I had a small bag of potato chips and a few lollies.

    Today someone brought in morning tea and I ate 1 chicken savoury and 3 different pieces of cake/slice. It's so stupid because I didn't even feel like any of the cakes or anything, I ate them purely because they were there and am feeling fat and frumpy now because of eating such rubbish.

    My ex is driving up to Christchurch this afternoon so with entertaining him and all, it's going to be a struggle to get to the gym and that's a real pain in the @rse.

    I actually can't wait until next week so that I can get back on track. I'm so mad at myself because I've slipped back into the old pattern - do great for a few days then overeat and spend the next few days undoing the damage I've done.

    At least I've had one pretty big discovery this week ... I think I know why I snack in the evenings. When I used to smoke, I would enjoy a cigarette after a meal - it was like the cherry on top and it made the meal feel complete. Now that I don't smoke anymore, I still have that feeling of "needing something else" and I've been trying to fill the gap with more food.


  • Time for a new thread, Aussie Chickies. I'll close this one.