Are you single or married?

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  • Quote:
    my house was always clean...

    Don't get me started on the house cleaning thing! My husband went to visit his family for a week, last month. While he was gone my house stayed SPOTLESS. Now that he's back ... it's a losing battle.

    It has to be a guy thing. It just has to.

  • i agree. i gave up. it was clean when i lived alone. now it's a pigstye.
  • Not married anymore.
    I'm single, but I do have a boyfriend. I'd marry again when the time is right.
    And I can't answer #3...I can't say what's the best thing about being married. Sad.
  • I m happily SINGLE for a year and lately I've been missing having someone in my life. It's great being in a relationship if you are with the right person. I have been into some great relationships in the past where I had all the freedom I wanted and at the same time having that special person to love and care for each other.
    I m already letting some people into my life slowly but surely
    I would love to get married and spend the rest of my life with him, but only GOD knows when and where that would happen !
  • I totally agree on the house being clean....I don't understand it. He can just SIT there and not move, yet still everything gets all rumpled and out of place.

    Bane of my existence, right there.
  • I'm married

    No...We've been together since our sophomore year in high school (about 15 years) lol Sometimes I miss being very spontaneous though!

    The best part of being married to me is having my husband in my life.
  • Quote: 1. Do you ever want to marry?
    2. Do you miss the single life?
    3. What's the best part about being single? married?

    1. yes, but unsure if it will ever happen
    2. single life stinks.
    3. to me, there is no best part. it's lonely.
  • I'm married, and am glad to be so!

    1. Yes, absolutely.
    2. Not even a little bit.
    3. Best part of being married - having someone you can go to with anything, and a real partner in all things. Not all marriages have that, but I'm fortunate that mine does. I can't imagine living my life without that.
  • And I'd like to point out it isn't a guy thing. I deal with it too! I swear, Sarah can just sit on the couch and mess springs up around her!
  • married,
    Don't miss being single...but i have a husband that loves me to do the things i do.
    Love having the constant support my husband gives me. He keeps me calm when i'm going nuts...he hugs me when i have a bad day. I wouldn't give it up for anything.
    As for the mess..i think i'm opposite. My dh is a neat freak and i'm the messy one LOL
  • Married, for nearly 6 years now (still feel newlywed, for the most part.)

    There are some things I miss about being single, mostly the just doing what you want, when you want it, and not having to deal with another person if you didn't want to I hated even having roommates, even my sister who was about the best roommate a person can have, very quiet and very clean (she even picked up after me - I'm not saying that I was a good room mate).

    Sleeping alone, oh gosh I miss sleeping alone (hubby snores, and so does the cat). When we lived in Illinois, we had to have separate bedrooms. That wasn't really fun either, though. But we didn't have much of a choice. I had to be on a CPap for the sleep apnea (which has disappeared with the first 40 lb loss), and my sinuses were so bad that I had to sleep on an incline, a steep incline. Hubby used two car jacks to jack up the head of the bed about a foot offf the ground. We had to strap the mattress to the frame so it wouldn't slide off the bed (a little bit steeper, and we would have had to strap me in at night). Between the incline and the noise of the CPap hubby couldn't sleep in the same bed. It sounds extremely unromantic, but we just used his room for romance and our own beds/bedrooms for sleeping.

    I'm definitely a cover hog. I was telling hubby that we needed a new electric blanket for the bed for winter (with our joint and pain issues, an electric blanket is the only thing making winters bearable), and suggested getting a king blanket with dual controls- he said no way, he wanted two twins, because if we had only one, I'd end up with it, and he'd have none.

    The best part of marriage is really the worst part of marriage, always having someone hanging around. Hubby and I are both on disability, and our apartment is very, very tiny, so cozy togetherness can quickly turn to irritating cabin fever. I tease hubby on his boys' night out with friends "Hurry up and go away, so I can miss you."
  • i'm in between i guess you can say...recently seperated so can't say how i enjoy the single life or even if i want to find out
  • Funny about the neatness thing. I'm not neat by any definition unless you compare me to my hubby. With a slightly messy person and a REALLY messy person living together, our house can go from neat to condemned in a few days. I've been sick for two weeks with some nasty virus on top of a flare of fibro, and geez the house looks like a herd of elephants were partying in the house the whole time. I think hubby dirtied every dish in the house (the only clean dishes were in the dishwasher).

    It's definitely not just a girl/girl or girl/guy thing either, because my best friend is a gay man and he has the same complaints about his guy (when we get together as a pair of couples, my friend and I are in the kitchen complaining about the barbarians we are with, and the barbarians are off showing off/discussing their latest car or home repair project and complaining about how prissy we are).
  • 1. Engaged (a long engagement, while I'm in school)
    2. Me? Miss the single life? Nah.
    3. Favorite part... always having someone to hang out in sweatpants and watch a movie with.
  • Quote: And I'd like to point out it isn't a guy thing. I deal with it too! I swear, Sarah can just sit on the couch and mess springs up around her!
    I feel your pain When I come home at night I can tell what rooms Julie spent the most time in and what she did there. Still worth it though - I did single and it was fun, but this is better.