Just joined, an introduction

  • Hi there,

    I just joined today and thought I'd introduce myself. I'm 20 years old and the freshmen 15 was more like 40 for me. I started at 198 in July and am down about 15 pounds.

    I've been doing weight watchers (going to meetings when I can, paying attention to points when I can) and hitting the gym 5x a week for 45 minutes of cardio, in addition to walking my dogs and bicycling.

    I think its cool this place has a 20-something category; I feel out of place at WW meetings amongst all the middle-aged women
  • MD- what's up girl! So glad that you are here. You'll love it here, these women are amazing. Check out the weekly chat, you'll get to know people fast and we'll get to know you too.
  • Hey! I am in the same situation. I just join this a couple days ago. I am 20 and am up 45 from High school. I started at 198 and am at 195 as of my WW meeting last week. I recently got a personal trainer and am working out about 4x a week with weight training and circuit training. I would love it if we could help each other out and be buddies.
  • Welcome abd good luck!
  • Welcome!!!!!
    Great to have you here!!!
    It´s a great site, you´ll get lots of great tips and support!

    Gatorgirl-- you have a personal trainer? I´d love to have one but you wouldn´t believe how expensive they are here, totally out of my budget! I´m really envious (is that word correct?) LOL
  • Hi!! I just joined the other day too I am 27 and up 45lbs from my high school weight also There are some great ladies here with excellent advice!
  • Hey welcome!! You've joined the right place for motivation and support i just joined a few days ago and i love it :-)
  • My trainer gives me print outs of my workouts. What excercises, number of reps, weights etc. If you would like I can post them somehow. The only reason I can afford it is because it is through my school and the trainer is a student. But it is tailored towards weight loss. I also had a trainer over the summer (she graduated) and I can post those workouts as well.