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  • You look amazing and certainly don't need to lose any more weight!

    The thing is (and I know I'm just repeating what others have said) very few of us are ever going to look in the mirror and be completely satisfied with what we see. Our perceptions of ourselves has been warped by a culture that promotes completely unrealistic beauty standards for women. We've been conditioned to dislike ourselves, to never be satisfied with our bodies.

    Why not try maintaining for a while and see how you feel?
  • I also think you look great. If you want to lose more, then of course you can try, its just the manner that you are doing it, eating so little isnt likely to be the best way to go about losing what you see as that last little bit. We just want you to be healthy
  • I think you look fab and really there is no need to lose much more...just work on getting toned and feeling fit! I'd kill for that flat stomach
  • I just want to say that I wished I had the courage to post a picture of myself on the boards - you look gorgeous, and I would kill for legs like yours - my calves look like tree trunks from lugging nearly 300 pounds around Yours are so shapely and feminine!

    Also, I see no "handles", just hips, which women are supposed to have. (I promise!)

    I know how hard it is to look in the mirror and see any sort of change in yourself. I still see myself as nearly 300 pounds, even though I've lost 60. But, I have clothing and measurements as proof of the changes my body has made!

    Please, just be safe - maybe meet with your doctor or a nutritionist to discuss a healthy diet for losing the last few pounds you want to, and a maintainance diet. Also, if you belong to a gym, meet with a trainer to put together a toning work out for you. I wish you the best!
  • thanks people....
    for your opinions and concern....
    i am going to sit down today and work out how many calories i do eat....
    and what i should be eating....
    and take everything else from there....
  • Honey - There are not handles...they are hips...

    I honestly think you should go an be evaluated by a doctor. You are seeing fat that just isn't there. Anyone going from 200ish pounds to where you are at is going to have some extra skin. Go see a doctor and make sure you are living to be healthy, not unhealthy skinny....

    Do you have people that you physically talk to in your life about your weight loss goals? What do they think?

    It really is a great feeling to be skinny and you have done a great job lossing the weight but I think you should be no lower then 130 being 5'7. Some of your postings have made me wonder if you are on the edge of being unhealthy and these pictures clarify that you might want to take a step back and ask yourself if this is a healthy weight for you... You look VERY skinny now and really don't need to loose anymore weight.

    Again, great job on the weightloss...just remember that it is about your health too.
  • Hey I'm a similar height/weight and I want to say that you are a thin person. I sometimes don't see a thin person in my mirror either, I just see big thighs. But, losing weight did not change my body's shape. I was a pear when I was big, and I'm a pear now. My upper half is very thin - I have collarbones that could cut glass! In order to get my bottom half where I would want it IDEALLY I would have to emaciate my upper half.

    It is very hard to decide when you're done losing weight. Please don't look at your body through the filter of the media - no one looks as perfect as women in fashion magazines - not even them! Look at your body as a REAL woman, you are lovely and don't need to lose any more weight.

    I think weight training (heavy lifting) would give you more of the shape you want without punishing your body with low calories
  • judging by my pics....
    wot body shape do i have?....
  • you have a gorgeous hourglass!!
  • Yep, I'd say hourglass. Lucky you!!!!
  • yes it does look like you have hourglass shape ^^
  • i really do have to agree with JamieJo.
    those aren't lovehandles, they are hips, and i think that you are already skinny.
    And as everyone else says, you have a wonderful hourglass shape.
  • You look great! Curves are a beautiful thing!
  • I agree with a lot of the posts look very thin! I don't see any extra fatty places. If you're still not happy, then some lean muscle would probably be more beneficial than losing any more weight!
  • I sooo get where your are coming from. I think you just need to burn more calories exercising and eat more cals from vegetables. So, my advice up exercise and up good calories... you have a rockin waist, btw.