Under calorie target?

  • The last few days I've been super busy with my first few days of classes. I've been having my cheerios in the morning, I don't have a lot of time in the afternoon to sit down and have a proper lunch so I've just been having small snacks every 2-3 hours. Then a medium sized dinner. Anyway, I've been under my points target for a couple days but I weighed myself this morning and I've gone up 1.4 lbs. Just wondering if my body is retaining or anything? Or if that has anything to do with it?
  • I *think* -could be wrong here- takes more than a couple days of consuming less calories than you should for your metabolism to all of sudden start storing fat for starvation, unless you are REALLY not eating.

    It probably has to to do more with retaining water, especially if you've been too busy to make sure you drink the recommended amount. Also whenever I eat pasta or anything really carb heavy the next day it looks like I've gained weight, but it goes away after a day or two.
  • Maybe the snacky food is higher in salt? Or maybe it's TOM related?
  • Even when I go under my points for an entire week I have been to known to show a gain in the scales. More than likely it is water and it does go away.

    How many points are you allowed per day? Being very busy makes it hard to eat good meals and snacks just be aware and plan your food and snacks the day before if possible that will help
  • My snacks have been pretty healthy. I might have an apple, a handful of almonds, some yogurt, a banana, or some grapes.