OCTOBER - one reason you will stay on your plan today..

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  • There are many reasons to stay on plan today...but, this post is about the ONE reason you will stay with it today.

    Let's share.
  • I´ll stay on plan today because the sun is shinning, summer is almost here and I really want to wear tank tops and beautiful clothes this summer! (ok, ok, I know, totally and absolutely superficial...LOL)
  • I am staying on plan because......I really, really want to get to onderland and now I believe I can!!!!!

  • Today is my day off. On days off I usually eat a nice big healthy breakfast and I am not hungry again until dinner. I know I can keep within my points and stay on plan today, I am worth it.
  • I'm staying on plan today because the scale is moving in the downward direction again and I'd like that to continue! And weigh-in day is tomorrow and I want a better loss than last week!

    Yay for being competitive with myself, haha
  • i plan to stay on plan because i want to fit comfortably into my size 10s... i fit them now but they are a little snug (which they weren't ~2 weeks ago).

    (mind you i started my journey in a size 18)
  • ...because I am worth it and my 2 small sons deserve a happy and healthy mommy!
  • I'll keep on my plan today because I had a filling breakfast, I am in a great mood, and I have planned a nice healthy dinner. Plus, work is going to be a breeze today.
  • I will stay on plan today because I blew yesterday, but I refuse to look back. Today is what matters.
  • Because all of the weight I regained, all 17 pounds of it, settled in my belly area making me look like I am pregnant!!! UGH!
  • because I'm seeing big results and I love it!
  • I'm also seeing awesome results....no stopping now
  • I will stay on plan today because I owe it to myself.. and I have this new burst of motivation that I am absolutely loving!!
  • I'm staying on plan today because im focused and want to get healthy.
  • I am staying on plan because I know it's WORKING!