PCOS WL Support October

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  • Hello and Welcome All to the PCOS WL Support October Thread!

    This thread is about PCOS and Weight Loss Support. If you have PCOS, or think you might, or know anybody that might have it, or your just curious or you just think we are totally awesome, so you just wanna chat with us, please join us!

    Losing weight with PCOS is like trying to rollerskate up an icy hill. With all the wonderful lovely side effects, extra facial and body hair, skin tags, dark skin patches, weight gain, etc, etc, etc.........

    PCOS Definition:

    Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) – A genetically-linked hormonal imbalance that prevents ovulation. PCOS also may cause overproduction of estrogen, abnormal thickening of the uterine lining, very heavy and/or irregular periods, as well as acne and facial hair. The latter are caused by an overproduction of male hormones, including testosterone. -- There are tons of info out there on the web, so if you want more info, just go to your favorite search engine (Google, Yahoo, etc) and type in PCOS. Another great site (besides this one of course for info is: Soul Cysters. Also here are a couple links for Forum Abbreviations: Basic Forum Abbreviations and the TTC/Infertility Abbreviations

    So please come and join us, won't you? If you or someone you know has PCOS and you want support in WL and just general everyday support, please come and join us. You do not have to necessarily have to be TTC or not TTC. I am currently not TTC, but if you are, then that is wonderful too. If you do not have PCOS and maybe are just curious about the disease, then feel free to join us as well. Everybody is Welcome!!

    ************************************************** ********

    Can't beleive another month is gone........only 85 days, 1 hours, 37 minutes, and 1 seconds left until Christmas! But who's counting! lol.

    My Goals to be completed before the end of 08':

    1) to finally make an appt to see a gyn and keep it!
    2) to continue eating healthy
    3) incorporate some sort of exercise
    4) to continue to lower my blood sugars and Cholestrol Levels!
    5) to continue to be a happier and more positive me.
    6) to find a career path that I want to go into and GO FOR IT!
  • I can't believe it's already October! But I should make some goals to stick tofor this month. Last month I didn't do so good.

    For October:
    Try to lose about 8 pounds by October 31st
    Get my butt to a gym
    Hmmmm, I don't know what else right now

    Well, good luck to all and I have to go study for some tests I have today...damn school!
  • Happy October! WOW, I can't believe it is that close to Christmas, Sassy! Thanks for the reminder, I better get making a Christmas list of people to buy for. I have to get on track better this month, that is my goal, and I will do it.
  • Hi Everyone!

    I October I lost 3 pounds...sigh.
    I want to lose 8 this month. So let's see how that goes. I exercise a ton but my eating isn't as clean as it could be. Some days I'm great but some days like today - I just crave sweet things. I'm feeling a little miserable because we went to a Chinese buffet and I set myself up to stuff myself. Sigh.There goes all the calories I burned this morning.

    This morning I did 65 minutes of elliptical, hit 6.24 miles. I did intervals of low and high inclines and my thighs are going to kill in the morning because of the higher incline. Tomorrow I'm going to do my 65 minutes but not do so much incline and just focus on sweating and burning off my freaking dinner.

    I really ate a lot and I'm so bloated. This is the worst feeling but occasionally I'll let myself do this and it makes me so mad. I mean, I knew in my head, OK, I've had enough, I should stop...but my husband kept eating so I kept eating. Geesh. Also, we don't go out like this often because of money and I was so hungry and so focused on getting my money's worth! Oh geesh. I'm miserable!

    Tomorrow's a new day though!

  • Hola Chicks.

    I was a totally and ate Mickey D's for my "lunch" lastnight at work. Then my back starting aching very badly (I have a spinal injury from a car accident many years ago) so I had to get up and walk around a bit and then it stopped aching...........

    Anyways, we are all in this together and we can do this!!!!

  • Sassy -
    I think it's just been pig-out time. I had the Chinese Buffet last night, a cheeseburger and chips for lunch and chicken gizzards with ranch dressing at dinner. Ugh.

    I slaved away at the elliptical machine this morning though, 65 minutes, 6.28 miles (an all time high for me) and exactly 13,595 steps. Nice. Gonna do it again tomorow and frigging take a day off this weekend. This is the only way I'll not gain any weight from my pigging out.

    My personal thought is as long as I'm exercising, I can eat pretty much what I want and won't gain (I won't lose very quickly either!). I just have to watch portions and then if I eat something fatty/caloric at one meal, to tone the other meals down. But I didn't do that for the past 24 hours. It's the end of the week and the fridge is bare so we've been eating out as a quick fix...so step one is to stock the fridge again very soon!

    Hope to hear from everyone!

  • I did it again................I ate pizza tonight.......UGH!!!!!!!!
  • Just remember that tomorrow is a new day. Just because one day was bad doesn't mean that it's all done for. I always have to keep reminding myself of that. I try to keep my house stocked with good food. I also remind myself that it is sooo much cheaper to eat at home instead of going out. With two small kids in daycare, money is getting really tight.

    We have a big family cookout Saturday. We will be having good ole Memphis BBQ and homemade ice cream. I have to control myself. I realized last night, when I eat certain dairy, it really messes with me. I will have to limit any ice cream intake.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Stay on track!
  • Wow! I havent been here since July.

    How is everyone doing?!?!?!
  • Hi Nico - nice to meet you!

    I'm soooo tired ladies! It's been a good week for exercise - I went in this morning and did 6.15 miles on the elliptical, 65 minutes. When you put it all together, I've done over 30 miles this week!

    My husband and I got adventurous and went to the gym again this evening. I'm not much of a swimmer like he is but I just planned to walk against the flow in the "lazy river" pool and sit in the hot tub...but I ended up trying the lap pool and swimming about 10 laps. And it wasn't even hard - all that elliptical has built up my legs so that part was easy, arms were another story. I felt good when we were done, but my husband warned me that my arms are gonna be sore in the morning. Well, I look forward to it because that means I'm workin' them!

    I think we're going to try to swim every Friday night. I'm so tired though, I deserve to sleep in tomorrow as I will. I manage a hotel though, so I imagine I'll get a phone call bright and early to wake me. Sigh. But maybe not. I'm hitting the sack right...NOW!

  • Hello Ladies,
    I'm an on/off member.. still trying to lose and manage my PCOS problem. It's amazing how quick this year has gone by!!
    I've been to the dr last week hoping to start working further on my PCOS problem. so far I've been taking bcps to manage my periods but the weight loss is at a standstill. did a whole bunch of tests and I'm supposed to see him again on the 12th to see what he's going to suggest. I hope that I don't have to go on metformin again, it was a terrible experience and the side effects were so bad I couldn't stand taking it for more than 3 weeks!. will see how it goes.
    I'm going to be working on an exercise/eating plan and get a head start before I see him, what has worked for you in terms of food/workouts? I'm working 8 am to 5 pm and go to school (mba classes) twice a week from 5 pm to 10 pm also need lots of time for projects & assignments so I am trying to fit in workouts which is the hardest part!!..
    Hope everyone is doing well
  • Ahhhh, I am so sleepy right now....just sitting here at work, thinking about my goals and things I need to starting doing for myself.

    First of all I am a full time student and I work about 30-40 hours a week and I volenteer at a suicide/depression hotline. I constantly feel like I have no time to myself, and whenever I do get a free day the last thing I want to do is go to a gym and work out. I am having trouble finding the motavation to fit working out in to my schedule.

    I use to be really athletic, I was a trained swimmer and swam about 3-5 miles a day. After I started college and was diagnosed with PCOS it all went down hill from there.

    I miss my cute, funky clothes, cute and colorful victoria secret bras (from when I was a 36C and could find colors other than black, white or beige).

    I guess I am just having a blah day, I need to make some more time for myself and try to get motivated again....I think I am just reaching my stress maximum
  • Hi, I'm new to the PCOS boards. I was diagnosed in '04 with PCOS, though I know I had it since day one of having periods (or lack of them?) I've always struggled with my weight and high blood pressure (wont go into the facial hair and other things). My sis says I'm crazy if I'm not losing to continue to eat like I do, I told her if I didn't watch what I eat I'd be well over 300 lbs by now!

    Anyway, over in the Southbeach forum, under our exercise program, I upped my exercise from 1000 mins last month to 1200 as a challenge to get out more than five times a week! Besides, my dog likes them! And lets not forget the cold weather coming in! I'm hoping my exercise will be such a habit that I go crazy if I don't get it in!

    Anyway, I'm a single mother of a son who recently moved out, and it gets lonely here, just me and Jade.

    My goals are to hopefully find a job (first time in twenty years not had one), to up my exercise, and to continue eating healthy!

    Blessings! And nice to meet you all!
  • Oh yay, Everyone's online today!

    Love the name from Bridget Jones!
    I was really sad the year I found all that stuff about PCOS. Metformin didn't seem to do good for me either so after a year or so I stopped taking it. I think right now I am just in denial, hoping that as I lose weight, I lose some of these symptoms - hair, bad skin/acne, etc. I want to prove it wrong!

    I remember when I was working FT, school FT, etc..I didn't exercise much either. It's hard. These days there are such great videos like the Leslie Sansone walking videos. There's even a great 1-mile jog that is 15 minutes long that would be a really good quick workout. I hope you find a bit of time for yourself each day!

    Yeah, I feel like it's crazy that I don't lose weight myself.
    I just want to prove this PCOS wrong. I have read stories of many women who've lost most of the symptoms by losing weight. So far no luck...but I'll keep going.

    Have a good day ladies - my day off of the gym and I'm gonna go veg a while on the couch. It feels SO good to do so.
  • A coworker of mine has been reading some info regarding bio-identical hormones. She went to a meeting about them the other day and (on my behalf) asked about them for women with PCOS. The pharmacist says they do make them for women with PCOS. The info said that help give energy, etc. I was wondering if anyone has heard anything about them.

    The past few days have been okay. We had a cookout tonight and I did pretty good. Only had a few bites of homemade ice cream

    Hope everyone is doing well.