PMS Alert! Ladies.....

  • I want, no I NEEEEEEEEEED cheese right now. Happens every time I have my lovely aunt come to visit every month. Why is that? Who else craves stuff (bad stuff) and what do you crave?
  • Mmmmmmmm, cheese... One of my PMS faves, too! Luckily, I've discovered those tiny little Laughing Cow cubes. They're only 7 calories each, and they really do seem to help with the cheese craving. I just pop one whenever I'm feeling it, and I'm able to move on (for a little while, anyway!)
  • I feel your pain, lol. I crave carbs like crazy. Especially any form of potato.
  • You actually burn more calories the week or so before your period. This and hormones are probably the culprit when it comes to cravings.

    Cheese isn't so bad a craving to have though, if you can eat it in moderation. It's better then wanting to eat a pint of Ben & Jerry's.
  • I crave cheese, chocolate, pickles, pizza, brownies,
  • CHEESEBURGERS! Omigosh. I could eat one every day for the whole week. I think they know me by name now at In n Out.
  • Salty carbs...I caught myself skulking around the kitchen, eyeing my toddler's Goldfish crackers just this afternoon. To make matters worse, I always hit a weight plateau for like nine days before my period. It is sooo annoying! I know it is retained water and will go away, but it still urks me to see my scale shoot up a pound or two and just stay there no matter how hard I hit the bike.
  • mmmmmmmmm cheese.

    for me it wavers back and forth between - cheese and chocolate. and anything savory that is bad for me- a burger, chips, any incarnation of the potato....
  • I'm craving Five Guys right now!!! I want a super good burger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I tend to crave sweet and salty .e.g. cocolate dipped pretzels, honey roasted peanuts, kettle corn... it's gotta have that combo LOL

    BUT I am also a sucker for cheese - anytime of the month LOL
  • I'm craving cheese too! Green giant makes those frozen broccoli and cheese singles that only have like 60 cals! They hit the spot for me! Thanks Goodness!
  • Fried food...anything fried. Particularly fried mozzarella sticks, though I've been a YEAR without one....grrrr.....
  • Chocolate and salty items.
  • I crave anything and everything. It's horrible. But I've noticed that chocolate actually tastes better when I have PMS.