My Obstacle

  • Alright so I suffer from agitated depression with anxiety. And am on meds which cause weight gain. Soooo I need that extra push, extra support, and well I need to find a plan that will work well! My biggest problem? I have a hard time sticking to fitness plans, I do well for a while and then fall off the wagon. I wish I could afford a treadmill cause heck that'd be easy, I could run while my toddler watches his cartoons in the morning or I could even pop a movie in after he goes to bed & run, but I can't right now lol so I need to baby step my way into a routine I'll stick to. So if you have any advice I'd greatly appreciate it! I was doing South Beach but hit a major plateau, I'm not sure if I want to start it over, or try weight watchers or maybe even sonoma (sp?) or somethin else...
  • k I'm blind lol I just noticed there is a depression forum, can this be moved there so it gets more attention? heheh thanks
  • If you are struggling with exercise why dont you try to find something you find more enjoyable that way you are less likely to fall off the wagon. Try different classes out or just try different things you can do at home while the little one is napping.
  • Hey There
    I am new here.. I have a problem staying with a fittness programs too. I hate to say how many gyms I have joined.. Then one day I decided enought. I got a CD player and started walking..I went to weight Watchers and lost 64 lbs. When that group closed I joined Tops.. (Take off pounds sensibly). and lost another 14. Now I know that the walking helped me 50%,but, it also helped my nerves. By the time you walk 3-4 miles and listen to some good music You usually feel better.I have Pug. She has me out side walking 4 times a day.
    I hope this helps.. You are not alone Melanie. I noticed the other post where you say you are blind..Well get a Treadmil, I use mine a lot in the cold weather. Ofcourse it isn't cold here very often. I live in west central Florida..
  • I found that release technique works for me really well and I keep practicing it.
    It's all about releasing - "letting go" of limiting emotions. This stuff is just so amazingly powerful and it can positively affect not only health, but relationships and all sides of life.

    After all - negative, limiting emotions are what keeping us suffering and in bondage.

    Check "abundance book" or "sedona method" at amazon. If you're really "gentle, loving guidance" type of person - then "sedona method" would appeal to you better. If you're more "engineering, busy, left brain" person - then "abundance book" works a bit better. They both teaching the same system but written by different authors.

    Main website of it is: release-technique com
