Udder-ly insane

  • PETA asks Ben & Jerry's to start making ice cream with human breast milk:


    And this thread from the Straight Dope (warning, naughty language):


    Now I realize PETA likes to be provocative and nobody's gonna have the nerve to really USE human milk, but just for the theoretical heck of it, whaddya think?
  • Yuck! I mean, I never felt right drinking cow's milk.. just doesn't seem natural. But there is no way I'd drink human breast milk, lol! I'll stick to the moo juice ice cream and soy!
  • Those names in the straightdope link are too much! Hilarious!
  • I actually have used breast milk in my coffee before.
    It's not bad. A little sweet.

  • Quote: Those names in the straightdope link are too much! Hilarious!
    ::tries to think of play on "I drink your milkshake"::
  • OMG!!!
  • I heard on the radio that there is some company selling breast milk for drinking purposes. I am not sure it was in the US, possibly Europe.

    Honestly, I don't think dairy from cows is the best for us and it is why it can cause health problems (like type 1 diabetes and stomach issues). Of course that doesn't mean human breast milk is the best option either.
  • I really only buy ice cream for birthdays and maybe some during the summer when it is hot for the kids so I am sure the ice cream companies would not miss my business but I can honestly say that I would not be buying any ice cream made with human milk.
  • eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwww
  • Quote: I really only buy ice cream for birthdays and maybe some during the summer when it is hot for the kids so I am sure the ice cream companies would not miss my business but I can honestly say that I would not be buying any ice cream made with human milk.
    I just remember reading an article somewhere once (sorry I can't link!) about how there is a reason that we wean from the breast and move on to solid foods and weren't meant to be drinking any type of milk after that. It was an interesting argument, but I still drink milk. Many times I've thought of switching to soy (I am lactose intolerant) but honestly the lactose free milk tastes better to me and is cheaper. I only use it once a day anyway.
  • Well...if you think about it, truly...

    Every time we eat ice cream, eat cheese, drink milk, or whatever-we ARE consuming breast milk, that was meant for infants. The only difference is, that it wasn't even designed for human consumption-it was designed for calves, obviously. How do cows begin to produce milk? By getting pregnant!

    If you think about things that many of us eat...it probably ALL got a gross reaction from someone at first. Think about the person who decided to eat an egg for the first time. Now, it seems normal, but who was the first person who decided that they were going to eat something that shot out of a chicken's rear end? Who was the first person who decided that shoving the calf to the side and taking a swig of cow's milk themselves was a good idea?

    I was a breastfeeding mother...and it amazes me how many people will look at you like you are doing something disgusting, and then you see them eating or drinking a dairy product.

    BTW-I am not a vegan, or vegetarian. I just like others to realize that ice cream is ALREADY made from breast milk...
  • I don't find it all that gross.