
  • So, this is a little....um....TMI. I'm 6 months pregnant with baby #2 and noticed today that I have already started leaking...if you catch my drift. It is clear and not much, but I actually felt a let down and then watched my shirt get wet.

    Has anybody else had this problem?
  • As far as I am aware, there is nothing wrong with this happening. I never really dried up between DS and DD. I nursed DS full time until 12 months then only bed time when he weened himself at 16 months. Got preg when he was 20 months. I did not leak every day. Mostly when I felt a mood swing coming! Call LeLeche League to double check. They are always helpful!
  • I had the same problem. According to my midwife at the time -- it's kind of a "your body did this once, so it knows what's expected of it" and picks up the hints a bit sooner . I would still check with your doctor, just in case. (Congratulations!!)
  • Zeff, the lactation nurses say that's a good sign your milk will be plentiful after baby is born!
  • Thanks Murph (and everybody else). I didn't really think it was a problem...just annoying. I had a big enough problem with leaking when I was nursing.

    Now, DH is scared to touch the milkers. I guess I brought that on myself when I squirted him all the time while DS was nursing.