Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred

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  • Quote: Not if you lose another 24 inches
    lol I highly doubt that, but I would gladly welcome it!
  • So I did email her the link! We'll see if she does anything with it. The reply I got with my first question was to try any of her dvd's or keep doing the 30 day shred. So this time, I asked them if I should start all over or do one level per day.... we shall see what they say.
  • I start level 2 today.. I'm pretty nervous because everyone says its hard!! I will prevail! And I've got a little extra motivation after a 3lb loss and a call for a job interview
  • This is the response I got from the online JM. I wonder how much it costs.

    Hello, Heather,
    If you wanted to really vary your workouts you could purchase her Biggest Winner DVD package. It has 5 workout disks all focusing on something different such as your front, your backside, as well as cardio. That may be a great next step for you. You could still do the 30 day shred at the level that is most comfortable for you if you wish but I wanted to tell you about the other DVDs as well. I hope this helps.


    Robert F.
    Customer Service
    Jillian Michaels Online
  • Level 3 day 1 complete. That was sort of difficult but it felt awesome to know I made it that far. I know my thighs are gonna be killin me tomorrow. I did some advanced and some modified movements. Sweat was literally running down my face dripping to the floor.
  • I'm done with Day 16. In other good exercise news, I also took the stairs in my apartment again yesterday. 23 floors! I hope to do it everyday after work. It only takes me about 6 minutes and it's tough!! Can my thighs lose inches now, please?
  • Hi Everyone. I'm new to 3FC and Jillian, but I still hope I can post here I've been reading your posts and it really gave me the confidence to do this!

    HOWEVER, right now I don't have much confidence. I just finished Day 3 of Level 1 and I still keep having to pause during the cardio in Circuit 1. I'm not used to all that jumping! I really hope that I can get better at it. I'll admit I'm not trying to do level 1 in 10 days, level 2 in 10, and so forth. I just want to be able to do it all without stopping at this point!

    I'm sure posting on here will help a lot. It has already!
  • Joya- I'm my goodness! 27 flights? You're freaking amazing! I don't think I've ever done that. If you don't lose inches in your thighs, somethings wrong!

    April- Welcome! Yes you can post here and yes it does help. Don't worry, I was the same place you were. It's hard but it gets easier.
  • Thanks, here we go again. I must say, reading your trials was especially motivating

    I also have a great man who is very supportive, which helps. He just got home and when I told him how I was feeling down, he simply said

    "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step" So True!
  • day 16th completed. Finally i can get back on track after 1 week absent.
  • I got my DVD today and am going to start tomorrow. I am so excited!!!
  • Okay, YAY! Only 2 days left for me! Tonight and tomorrow! I can't believe I did it!
  • Day 2 complete level 3. 8 more days and I'll be done. I love level 3 I like it better then the other 2 levels.
  • Ok, I did level one today and started the shred over. I have changed my mind. I'm going to just restart the thread. I'll do 10 days at each one. I have to be honest, it wasn't as easy as I thought it was going to be. You use different muscles than the other levels. I did all of the cardio with 5 pound weights, but other than that I did the advanced, except push ups.

    I must sound like a wimp, but I got a good workout today.
  • Day two, level one complete! I'm a night shifter, so when I wake up this afternoon it will be time for day 3, level 1. Yay!! I look forward to being in good enough shape that this doesn't totally kick my as*.