I can no longer log into journal...

  • I've been away for a while and I tried to log back into the journals and it's not recognizing my log in. Anyone know what I should do? It won't let me register again either.
  • How long has it been since you accessed your journal? They are automatically removed if they are not used for a long time. I hope that isn't the case
  • Journals
    I can't find a link to the journals.
  • Try http://www.3fatchicks.com/journals/
    Do you mean it isn't showing in the purple band up top?
  • Yes, there is no link at the top.
  • There is no purple band at the top
  • We took it off last night, because we are transitioning to a new menu and the links on that menu were invalid. The links on the side (to the journal admin, etc) still let you use your journal, but to get back to 3fc you'll need to click the logo and navigate from there. We should have it all back in place in the next day or so