moving sucks

  • I am back, a little off track but getting back into it. Moving and my DH's homecoming threw my exercise and eating off but now we're unpacked and I am ready to start cooking and burning calories again!
  • Yay cakses! Welcome back!

    By the way--how do you pronounce "Puyallup"? I've always wondered.

  • Yeah. My husband and I drove from NC to Washington state, to move all of my stuff back home while he deployed. The packing everything up, then the moving, then the unpacking. UGH. Yeah, it sucks. I'm just starting to get back on track now, lol.

    You can do it at a trot you can do it at a gallop you can do it real slow so your heart won't palpitate... just don't be late. DO THE PUYALLUP!

    Okay I'm done. lol.
  • DH and I just make a halfway across country move from WA to NM. We did the moving ourselves. Yeah, moving sucks. A lot!

    Welcome back! I'm jealous, we are not fully unpacked yet.
  • yeah...pew-all-up is how i say it.

    melissa are you near lewis now?

    i am so over the whole moving thing. unfortunately this means the army will get word of this and move us another dozen times before my husband's enlistment is over with. hoping to at stay here though. i don't ever want to move again!