Couch to 5K ~ Week 6

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  • Is there a website with the info for each week? I am new here and would like to try this out. Thanks!

    Here ya go!
  • Jamie: I try to keep a day in between just so i don't wear out my muscles. But do what you feel you can do!

    I did w7d2 today! I'm trying to cut my time down. The program says i should do 2.5 miles in 25 minutes.. The last two days it has taken me 35 minutes to complete it. but at least i'm doing 2.5 miles i guess!

    It's so hard to beleie i used to feel COMPLETELY worn out by week 1 and 2 and now i'm doing 2.5miles! It's crazy! I love this program!
  • Jeez, Abby, you're doing awesome! I have been so busy with work, and helping finish the garage, I have no time to run. Seriously, my laundry is piling up, too. I dreamed I was jogging last night. Weird. Gotta get back to it!
  • Kori: Yes! get back at it. hehe It makes me feel alive lol I feel like i'm at the point you were at a while back when you were asking everyone how often t was ok to run and you were all pumped about it. I have hit that high I think too hehe.
    Are you finished the prgram yet? i wanna hear all about it!
  • No, not finished. I got sidetracked a little when Husband came home from Alberta where he works 3 weeks on, 3 off. He's going back in a few days, and I'l get back on the bandwagon. I jogged today, and it was hard, I was jogging into a strong wind, but I felt great after! And I can't seem to be able to run for more than 15 minutes at a time. Mostly because it is very hilly here, but I am getting better. Slowly!
  • Went for a quick run today, not so windy, thank goodness. What are we supposed to wear when we go running in the winter? Boots? Are there warm running shoes? Seriously, do I put on my Winter coat, mittens, snow pants and ice-fishing boots and just go?
  • haha Kofarq!!!

    I can't run outside in the winter....That cold air just kills my lungs. But I know that they do sell some nice work out stuff for cold weather. Just check out those exercise section in the stores...But it's typically pretty tight material that you wear with whatever over top...
  • i ran on a treadmill teh other day and im relaize i prefer the track,outside somewhere amillion times better.
    thankgodmygym has an indoor trackfor those winter months. hehe

    Kori..we will have to create our own winter line of jogging gear.. what do you think? hehe
  • well guys - I did week 3 day 3 on Sunday...Guess that means I have to start week 4 tonight...I'm scared to even look and see what I have to do!
  • week 4 day 1 complete. woo hoo!

    ...where is everyone?
  • im starting week8 this week! Crazy! hehe Im excited.. super busy though.. gotta make a good schedule for working out.
  • I ran Week 9, Day 2 this morning. Not as nice as Monday, but I've had worse. This weekend I need to buy a stopwatch and time my pace for a baseline. Even though I'm finishing Week 9, I'm not up to 3 miles. So that will be my next goal. Then I have to decide whether to work up a little more distance, add a 4th day, or work on a little faster pace .
  • Hey Julie and Faux - I can't wait to be here you are at. Hopefully that scale will be down once I get that far!!!
  • Wow. I did it! I ran for 20 minutes! I still have a headcold, and I had to blow my nose three times, but I didn't stop! I even jogged up hill!!
    I'm going to officially say I'm Week 7, Day 1.