Eating more calories per day and am more hungry than before...

  • I've been eating 1200-1300, averaging about 1250/day. This Saturday I started 1450/day as my first step to maintaining... All day today I have been starving! I was never this hungry on the 1250 calorie plan. I've upped protein along with calories so I'm still at around 30 prot/20 fat/50 carb, which was what I was running all along. Is it just the calorie change that is causing this reaction? I haven't added in any new foods really, just increased the same ones I've been eating...
  • I would give it a couple of weeks and then see how you feel. Your body may just be adjusting.
  • Yes, your body may be adjusting, and fighting any more weight loss. (It is going to take a while before it realizes that you are DONE losing weight now!)

    Keep with the 1400-1500 for a few weeks and see what happens. Then, evaluate after that-and see if you need to adjust your calorie intake further for maintenance.
  • That doesn't seem like a huge calorie increase at all. If your extra calories are coming from a really sweet fruit like grapes it could possibly be making you feel hungry but a lot of people are really sold on extra fiber helping them feel full. Maybe take a look to make sure that a lot of those carbs are from high fiber foods.

    For me, I've found that I will actually feel really full and a lot longer if my fat percentage is a little higher (as long as it's all *good* fats from olive oil, nuts or avocados). But then, I'm a little odd
  • Someone also said sometimes when you are feeling hungry, you are actually thirsty. Maybe increase your water & that might help.