3 Things You Refuse to give up?

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  • What are THREE things that you refuse to give up...diet or no diet..??

    Mine would be:

    1. My double-double coffee from Tim Hortons (2 cream 2 sugar)
    2. Real Mayo (I HATE miracle whip)
    3. Peanut Butter. (I really only eat PB on Banana sandwhiches).

    I'd love to hear what others just can't let go of....
  • My Three Things:

    1. Cheese Fries
    2. Cake or Any other Baked Goodies
    3. Pizza
  • 1. Slurpees
    2. Sno cones
    3. Slurpees.
  • 1. CHOCOLATE!! (usually fat-free fudgicles or WW bars)
    2. International Delight flavoured coffee creamer
    3. Cheese. I used to eat regular fat medium cheese as a snack, but now I use low fat old cheese as a condiment.
    I also gave up peanut butter for awhile, but added it back in because it's healthy and I don't eat too much at a time.
    I also like to have a glass of wine now and then.
    So that's five. Ha ha.
  • What are THREE things that you refuse to give up...diet or no diet..??

    Mine are:

    1) Pizza
    2) Steak
    3) Cheese

    It's all about MODERATION!
  • 1 BEER!
    2 Pizza!
    3 Hot wings!
  • 1)chocolate
  • 1 - Red wine
    2 - a sweet treat once in a while (usually frozen yogurt)
    3 - cheese (real, full fat, cheese of all varieties)

    But really I don't give up anything ... I just fit what I want into my calorie plan!
    (Oh and I refuse to give up coffee, but I drink it black, so at 10 cals a serving, I don't see it as one of those
    "refuse to give up" types of items.)

  • Great thread!

    1. Pizza
    2. Starbucks iced venti coffee - no sweetener, real cream
    3. carbs -- maybe that's why low carb diets don't work for me
  • 1. Regular, full fat salad dressing - I do the fork dip to control how much I have. Can't stand those low fat/fat free dressings.

    2. Real icecream - I have this maybe once a month. Portion size is key.

    3. Cheese - Do I really need to say anything?
  • 1. Bacon. I've toned it down though, and I eat Low Sodium No Sugar Added bacon. I bacon though!
    2. Chocolate. Going to eat a NSA fudgesicle right now. Mmmmm.
    3. Wine
  • 1.Smoking

    I dont drink anywhere near as often as I used to. But hey I will have a beer or two here and there!
    I dont want to kick the habit right now I just really need my cigarette after work
    And i love pizza!
  • I see a lot of pizza and cheese answers... God's gifts to humans.
    Pizza anyway... I could live on the stuff.
    I've had to cut it out right now though, 2 or 3 pieces is never enough.
    Double cheeseburger pizza from Pizza Pizza is Godly.... *droolz*
  • 1. Cheese
    2. Cheese
    3. Cheese

    Seriously, I'm a cheese freak. Cheese used to top every meal. In gobs. I've toned it down a ton, maybe 1/4 c shredded a day and a ff american on a sandwich, but I could NEVER cut it out completely! It's like a condiment to me lol
  • 1) cheese and dairy
    2) pepperoni
    3) chocolate

    I've learned to enjoy smaller amounts instead of wolfing down the entire package in one sitting.

    sarah in md