No sugar added icecream: Okay for P2?

  • I saw this in the freezer section last night as I made a mad dash to the sugar free fudgecicles....

    Is this kosher occasionally for P2? I know not all the flavors would be, but maybe the vanilla with some sugar free preserves or fresh berries?

    I can make my own ice cream if need be, but sometimes it's nice to just pull some out of the freezer.
  • It looks ok to me, but I'm not that well informed on sweet stuff.

    It has 90 cals. per serving, so I would think as long as you stuck to the serving would be fine.
  • I know I can't keep it in my freezer! LOL. I just recently found out I cannot have sugar free cool whip in the house either.... UM, yeah- way overboard!
  • I think it's okay if you only have it as an occasional treat. I use it myself, but only for special occasions. I have a real problem with ice cream and can eat an entire 1/2 gallon in a day. It's better for me to buy the popsicles so I don't have to worry about portion control.
  • I do.

    All the time .

    Well, maybe not ALL the time.

    It is the only thing I eat with artificial sugar (I choose not to), but it's one thing I can eat with the rest of the family to feel like I'm eating a 'normal' dessert (sorry, ricotta creme didn't do it for me!!).

    I actually just bought Edy's Triple Chocolate (the calories weren't much worse than vanilla), but it honestly doesn't do anything for me (and will probably get thrown out eventually due to freezer burn).

    I figure this is farrrr better than most desserts I can eat!! Four months with no sugar!!
  • Usarchie, that brand is one of the things I bought when I was cheating on ph 1 but was trying doing it in a semi legal way. I got the triple chocolate kind. Unfortunately I didn't stick to just a portion, because that stuff was DELICIOUS. The ice cream was gone in like 3 days. It is gonna have to be something I stay away from because I went overboard with the portions.
  • I sometimes make my own ice cream with greek yogurt, a little milk, splenda or agave nectar, and berries or vanilla. It's tasty in a frozen yogurt sort of way, but sometimes it really is nice to have some premade ice creams. Makes you feel normal.

    I think i'll pick some up after I'm done with this P1 stint of mine.
  • ya know if 1/2 cup will satisfy you and you count it as your sweet treat then go for it. I don't know anyone who's happy with half a cup... that's why i stick to the healthy choice fudgsicles....

    also in the book DR A. talks about one patient who ate 1/2 cup of regular ice cream every night in order to stay on plan... so you need to modify as you see fit.
  • I'm with Cottage I could never have that in the house or I would eat it all. I must stick with the ice cream on a stick fudge pops