Looking for some snack ideas.

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  • I'd like to get some new ideas for snacks. What do you like to eat for snacks?

    Mine are usually -

    -cheese toast and applesauce
    -100 calorie pack crackers
    -very small portion of oatmeal with almond butter, milk, cinn and a few raisins
    - turkey and crackers
  • apple and peanut butter
    apple and cheese
    Wasa cracker and Laughing Cow
    boiled egg sliced on a wasa cracker
    roasted garbanzo beans (really spicy)
    v-8 (I like the spicy kind, but the plain is good too)
    veggies and hummus

    That's what I can think of off the top of my head right now. I do try to mix things up when I can and I'm always reading magazines and food blogs for new ideas.

  • Laughing Cow Cheese
    Slimfast blended with half a banana or 6 fresh strawberries
    Low Fat cottage cheese
    Sugar free jello
  • Soy Crisps
    zone bars
    banana and string cheese

    It depends a little on which snack time I am on. I do a higher calorie snack in the afternoon than I do in the evening.
  • raw almonds
    cherry tomatoes
  • almonds
    1/2 banana sandwhich(1 Slice of bread, 1/2 banana and 1 tbs Peanut butter!)
    Tuna and crackers
    Luna bars
    FF Frozen yogurt

    Those are some that I can think of!
  • lo-fat triscuits and low-fat cheese
    half a bell pepper in strips
    cup of raw broccoli florets - sometimes with Annie's dressing as a dip
    1/4 cup nuts
    small container of fat free NSA yogurt
    apple cut up sprinkled with cinnamon
    handful of radishes, trimmed
  • I always try to include some protein with my snacks:

    Wasa & Laughing Cow or hummus
    Thomas light Multi-grain English Muffin - with LC or hummus
    LF String Cheese
    South beach protein bar
    baby carrots with yogurt dip
    yogurt with SF syrups
    Fruit with LF string cheese
    Yogurt with breakfast cereal
    Almonds or Walnuts (good Omega 3 sources)
    raw veggies with hummus
    Hard-boiled egg
    Dry cereal (if decent protein content)
    Flatout bread with LC or hummus
    LaTortilla with MSF Chick'n or steak strips
  • My favorite is 1 oz cheese, rye crackers spread with hummus and crab sticks. It looks like almost nothing on the plate, but it's delicous and it fills me up.
  • snow peas....I eat em like corn chips.
    watermelon, heck, any kinda melon
    string cheese
    laughing cow cheese
    lofat plain yogurt with sf jam mixed in
    cottage cheese and applesauce
  • some of my favs are:

    - plate full of fresh tomatoes with salt/pepper
    - apple chopped up into bits with spleda and cinnamon
    - low fat yogurt with pineapple chunks mixed in
    - homemade trail mix (raisins, almonds, popcorn, baked apple chips)
    - dried apricots
    - raw veggies with low fat sour cream to dip in

    • 1/4 cup FF cottage cheese with 1/2 cup FF plain Greek yogurt, sweetened with splenda and mixed with cinnamon. Sometimes I top it with 1 oz of berries.
    • omelet of 1/4 cup egg beaters with 1/4 cup refried beans, topped with salsa.
    • hot cereal with FF cream cheese stirred into it and sweetened with splenda or SF Torani
    • Meg's Fiber One Muffins
    • 1/2 cup Fiber One cereal
    • Fruit
    • Low cal wrap with 1/2 can Bumblebee Sensations Tuna and spinach
    • Frozen banana slices
  • Cereal Bar
    Low fat Yoghurt
    Rice Cakes
  • One slice of whole wheat bread with peanut butter

    blackened tilapia (or tilapia any other way)

    fruit smoothie (100% juice, real fruits, maybe yogurt) I make an entire blender full, then store the excess in single portion cups.

    Hungarian Zucchini Squash with Dill (variation of Hungarian recipe. I just sautee the zucchini cubes, then top with sour cream and dill and warm)

    bowl of cereal w/milk

    lemon pound cake with blueberries (have a frozen supply)

    chopped tomatoes, chopped cucumbers and Feta cheese

    rotini pasta salad

    canned pineapple (1/3 can) I portion out a can into three little containers in advance. Easy to grab and the first one is cold, too.
  • These are some great ideas....after almost a year...I need some new ideas. Thanks so much.