Who was your FIRST celeb crush???

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  • John Stamos is STILL hot!
  • oh, I forgot I was also totally in love with the Bay City Rollers

  • John Travolta during the Welcome Back Kotter days.

    Oh yeah, and Robert Plant from Led Zepplin. I somehow managed to get my parents to let me go to a midnight showing of "Song Remains the Same".
  • Ralph Macchio

    Kirk Cameron

    Mark-Paul Gosselaar

    Will Smith
  • Christian Slater in Heathers and then Pump up the Volume. So hot. I also used to dream I was the one who kissed Sean Astin in the cave in the dark in Goonies.
  • Quote: Uncle Jesse from Full House!!
    Oh baby! I loved him, too! I had tickets to see him in concert once, and we drove to the city before we found out the show was cancelled. Never got another chance...
  • Joey Lawrence back in the days on the t.v show 'Blossom'.

  • Quote: Joey Lawrence back in the days on the t.v show 'Blossom'.
  • Definately Andy Gibb! But I did have plenty of posters of all the other "heartthrobs" of the early 80's from Tiger Beat magazine all over my walls!
  • Eddie Furlong - in the Terminator 2 days! oh my god I was in love with him. My best friend and I on Friday nights would watch T2 for me- and fast forward to the parts where he's the cutest - and then Ladybugs for her so she could see her Jonathan Brandis.

    I also remember loving Atrayu from the neverending story.
  • Quote: donny osmond, david cassidy and bobby sherman all at the same time.

    I LOVED bobby sherman. I even got to see him in concert!

    O - M - G!!!!!! GET OUT!!!!!!!! I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED him!!! My brother's caught me kissing the tv when he was on 'Here Come the Brides' and teased me unrelentlessly for ages afterwords. I'd forgotten all about him.

    I wasn't going to post in here because I thought that everyone would be, um much, much younger than me and wouldn't have a clue as to who I was talking about. How refreshing to see that everyone's crushes are of the same, ah, timeframe? as mine. lol

    When I was 10 my dad took me to see 'Airport' (he took me to all the disaster movies). Was already a fan of Martin and Lewis movies (uh, reruns of their movies guys!) but boy o boy, did Dean do it for me. I also crushed on Peter Falk from Columbo when I was about 12 or 13. Even wrote to him an got an autographed pic! Anyone remember 'The Cowboys'? w/John Wayne? Couple of real cuties from there -- Sean Kelly and A. Martinez. Cute, cute, cute. I remember buying Tiger Beat magazine for their pics.

    Thanks for this thread; really made me smile.
  • Will Smith, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Larisa Oleynik (does anyone remember The Secret World of Alex Mack?! )
  • Quote: But I did have plenty of posters of all the other "heartthrobs" of the early 80's from Tiger Beat magazine all over my walls!
    Oh, yeah! I have pictures of my walls, covered with posters from these mags. I had ALL the hot guys on my walls!
    As I was reading through this thread, I was trying to decide who I would choose, but there were just soooooooooooo many!
    I had crushes on EVERYBODY!!
  • I'm only 26, but my celebrity crush was Freddie Prinze, Jr. I met a guy when I was 18 that looked exactly like him!! It was uncanny. I still love Freddie, but I've moved passed him to an older generation that now I'm totally crazy about Harrison Ford. Yea yea, I guess that makes me a gold digger LOL.
  • Donny Osmond and Mark Spitz when I was about 10 years old. Mark because I was a swimmer and he looked awesome in that red, white & blue swimsuit. But Donny was my huge crush until I turned 13 or 14 then it became Elton John. Slowly Donny's posters were replaced for Elton's posters. To this day, I love Elton John, that hasn't stopped! Though I no longer put up posters on my walls, I will still turn up the volume when it's an Elton song being played.