I'm Stuck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Okay, it has been 6 weeks. I could be the poster child for diet and weight loss. I am tracking all my foods, I am exercising DAILY I could keep right up with Richard Simmons on a good day! Two weeks ago I added some dumb bell workouts. I am drinking water, at least 6 glasses a day, and I am stuck at 8 pounds. Don't get me wrong, I am happy that I am down 8 pounds, however, it is getting frustrating. I do go to the doctor today for a physical. I am bringing all my fitday print outs to him. At one time I was told I have Metabolic syndrome, but was told to just limit my carbs. I have been reading up on that and perhaps there might be something to it.
    I will not let this plateau get me down, I am determined to plug along. I want this too much.
  • Suzy, you certainly do seem to be doing everything the right way. Congratulations on your weight loss so far. When I first started out I lost 10 pounds over a period of 2 months and then nothing for almost 5 weeks so I know how frustrating that can be.

    I'm sure your doctor will be impressed with all your stats and may be able to direct you to a solution. Keep up the good work and eventually you will see results.
  • Hey!

    What plan are you using now? Tell us what you've been doing--maybe we'll have some ideas.

  • Like Jay said, what've you been doing? Could you maybe post what you eat on an average day?
  • How many calories are you eating on average per day? Also what kind of exercise are you doing and for how long?

    Hmmm. I'm always nervous about people focusing on carbs. Remember there are good carbs and bad carbs. Try replacing things like white bread, white rice with whole grains.
  • AND...I hope you're measuring as well. Sometimes the measuring tape will show results that a scale won't.
  • Thanks so much for all the posts. I am eating between 1200 and 1400 calories per day. However I went to the endocrinologist today and am going for blood work tomorrow morning. He suspects Insulin Resistance disease because I did have gestational diabetes with my last child. (16 years ago)

    For breakfast I have oatmeal, skim milk, 2 sliced strawberries or approx 10 blueberries. Sometimes I will mix it up and have an egg beaters with chopped veggies. I have 4 oz yogurt at 10:00am. Lunch I have a salad with 2 to 3 ounces of chicken, cukes, chick peas, green peppers, red peppers and I use a low fat salad dressing, maybe 1.5 tablespoon. Or sometimes I will have turkey breast on reduced calorie bread, lettuce/tomato/roasted pepper/with mustard. I will have a fruit mid afternoon. Dinner I will have 4 to 6 oz chicken or fish with fresh veggies ( Dad has a huge garden) sometimes a potato but often times not. If I am hungry before bed, I have a selection of teas that I enjoy and I will sip that. I am also up to 6 bottles of water a day.

    I walk every night for 2 - 3 miles at a brisk pace. My husband is 6'3" and I am 5'4" and I keep up with him. We do that in little over 30 minutes. Over the holiday weekend, I walked in the morning and at night and I will do that on weekends too. I started this weekend in fact with using my son's dumb bells for some beginners weight training.

    I am not complaining, I know dieting is hard work and I am willing to do it. It just gets so frustrating when all the women you work with are sneaking candy bars, high calorie coffee latte's and coolatta's and snacking on pastries. I watch everything I eat and I am struggling so.

    Thanks in advance for all caring !!!
  • Suzy,

    One thing to consider...they say muscle weighs more than fat, well it isn't true, a pound is a pound is a pound regardless of what it is made of. However...a pound of muscle takes up a lot less space than a pound of fat...and looks better under the skin as well! Any chance that with your good moving you are actually a bit smaller, if not lighter on the scale?

    Someone has in their signature that weight isn't the best measurement, just the most convenient.

    Good luck
  • Suzzyy, if you are as active as you say, then it could be that you are not eating enough (too few calories), or not enough of the right nutritional group (such as protein). We can't be sure because we aren't doctors and can't tell over the internet anyway.

    Insulin resistance isn't a disease--it's more a symptom of people who are obese and have generally overeaten carbohydrates, or who for some other reason are on the edge of diabetes. While you're checking with your doctor, see whether he or she will refer you to a dietitian or a nutritionist so that you can get a program tailored to your needs.

  • Yes, they are making an appointment for me to meet with their dietician. I will go from there.
    Thanks !!
  • Good luck, Suzy! I couldn't think of any helpful advice, but I just want you to know I'm cheering for you and watching this thread.
  • Quote: Suzzyy, if you are as active as you say, then it could be that you are not eating enough (too few calories)
    That was my thought too. Try upp'ing the calories to 1400-1600.
  • Suzy, Just wanted to tell you that your eating is what I aspire to. So congrats on getting that under control Good luck with your journey. You seem very motivated!

    EDIT: meaning that I don't see processed foods. Lots of yummy fresh and healthy choices.
  • Hang in there! You are doing GREAT! I agree with the others, try increasing your calories by 100 or so for a week and see what happens. I had to zig-zag my calories a couple times to get my weight loss moving again. Maybe even 1200 for a day, then 1600 for a day, then 1400, then 1200 again. Mix it up a bit.
    Try some different foods too - and like Jay suggested - make sure you are getting enough protein and fiber. Both were really important for me along the way. When I slowed my protein intake, my weight loss stalled.

    Let us know how it goes with the dietitian!