new, and actually kind of excited!

  • Hello all!
    My name is Sarah. I am 25 years. I have a wonderful fiance whom I am marrying next September and that has really pushed me to be serious about getting in shape.

    I have always been overweight for as long as I can remember. I have never been able to just go to a store and pick clothes out that I think are pretty and buy them. It has always been a long trying-on and putting-back process when I go clothes shopping, which usually ends up in me just settling for something that will fit, rather than spending my money on what I really wanted... For as long as I can remember I have said, 'It's a good thing I'm not skinny because I would just spend a FORTUNE on clothes', haha.

    I guess I have used my body shape as an excuse for why things don't fit me. I have pretty thick legs, so pants don't always fit the way I want them to...I also have an annoyingly large chest, so shirts never fit the way I want them to. I have always just kind of blamed those two things on the fact that I have to ALWAYS get shirts that are XL or XXL or the fact that i have to shop at a plus size store to buy jeans....

    But now, I'm hoping I can change all that. I have been with my fiance for 6 years and I know that he loves me just the way I am, whether I weigh 250 pounds or 600 pounds, I know that he will be there for me, which is amazing, but also gives me an excuse to let myself go.

    I have been lurking on here for a few weeks now, haha, and the stories that I read, and the blogs I read and all the advice that is on here is just amazing. I'm hoping that with all the information and support I can find for myself on here, that I can really make things happen. I have never stuck with a diet or exercise plan for more than like a week and I'm ready to forget about fads and starving myself for a day, and I'm ready to make some real changes.

    I welcome any comments, suggestions or stories you all have to share with me and look forward to really utilizing this amazing resource
  • Sara -

    You can totally do this! Especially with the support of your fiance. I lost my baby weight by doing WW at home. I don't pay anything and don't attend meetings. I had tried two low carb diets and would have success the first week, but was ready to start chewing on a table leg after that. I love WW because it is simple, just basic calorie counting, which means, for the most part, I eat what I want (not as much as I want). I also lost the weight by running. I started out walking on April 7, 2008, and five months later I am a runner! That's also when I started WW. I have lost almost 40 pounds. Check out my blog for more info. Good luck to you, Sara!
  • Hi, Sara! Congratz on coming out of lurk mode!