My menu - please tell me what you think!

  • So this is my 5th day on atkins! I feel great and have noticed much of my bloating has gone from the vacation I took to England.

    I wanted to post my menu of the things I have been eating for some feed back. Please tell me what you think.

    B: 2 fried eggs in olive oil 2 pieces of bacon (have yet to find nitrate free bacon, but I am looking!) Decaf americano with 1 splenda and 1 tablespoon cream. (Yes, I count the carbs in the cream and splenda)

    L: 1 can tuna fish with mayo in a salad (1 cup spinach, 3 cut mushrooms, 5 olives, 4 slices of red pepper, cracked pepper and a little bit of crumbled cheedar cheese. It comes out to be about 6 carbs)

    S: Some babybel full-fat cheese (I always count it as 1 carb even though it says it has none), 5 olives (1 carb) or perhaps 1 cup of pork-rinds if I am craving something crunchy (2 carbs for snack)

    D: Lamb, chicken, cornish game hen...etc (0) with some veggies carefully measured out (Usually ends up being 5-6 carbs)

    I also have been drinking so much water you wouldn't believe! At least 3-4 liters a day!

    Anyway, please tell me what you think and I am always looking for snack ideas
  • Looks good to me!
  • If it looks good to Kim you are on the right track
  • Thats a great plan !!
  • Looks awesome to me!
  • So how are ya now? My husband and I started August 18, he has lost 11 pounds, I have lost about 7 (TOM just started 1/2 way through the 2nd week so I can't judge the weight loss right, gah!). I have noticed I am less hungry. I did feel crummy but it could have been PMS in retrospect.

    I notice you don't eat the bars. Good on you! Jersey Girl was nice enough to point out that the bars might be stalling me and today I looked at my food log. Week one I had at most 1 bar a day. I lost 4 pounds that week. Week 2 I had 2, and once 3 a day! No wonder. Haha!

    So yeah, stay away from the bars, though they are delicious, emergencies only or wait until you are out of induction!

    How is your progess now?