Getting serious! <3

  • Hey my fellow friends!!

    How's everyone doing? Well, I've made the call. I've decided tomorrow is the day of the rest of my life. I've made an appointment to join the gym, and get working at it. However, I have a slight problem... I want to get back to Weight watchers too, but I work such stupid hours ... Usually 12 - 8 pm, and weight watchers is at like 7:30 or something... So I'm not exactly sure how it'd fit in there.

    With the "accident" with my ex, I figured it's time I do something with my life, and stop making stupid excuses. Get fit and be happy... Only thing is, I have to lose 85 lbs, so I'm not sure how long that would take me? I'm thinking next year, but make my goal for next summer? Is that reasonable?

    Has anyone lost 85 lbs? If so, how long did it take? Roughly? Are you 3fc`s with me!! LETS DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I'm totally with you, Albertagirl! I don't think 85 pounds by next summer is unreasonable. I've lost 40 pounds in four and a half months with WW and jogging and softball. I don't attend meetings or do the online thing. Sounds like you have done WW before. Maybe you are motivated enough to do it on your own. I had a problem with cash flow, still do, and just got the info I needed from my buddy who is doing WW.
  • Congrats on joining the gym girl, that is a big step!

    Now I'm assuming it's different all over but where I live they have WW meetings in the mornings as well.

    As for your goal, personally I haven't lost 85lbs but I think that is definitely realistic. It's averages out to about 7-8lbs per month.
  • Congrats on beginning again! 85 lbs is definitely doable in about 10-12 months, sounds like you're determined and that will definitely help. Good Luck!!!
  • Hey I'm really glad you're inspired to do this! I'm pretty certain you can join WW online! Maybe that would be a better choice for your lifestyle.

    Good luck!
  • It's different for everyone... but, 85lbs took me about 10 or 11 months to accomplish. You may benefit from setting smaller goals to work towards so the larger one doesn't seem so far off.

    Congratulations on getting serious If you choose to follow WW, there's a WW section under Diet Central here, too.
  • hey well sone on joining the gym thats a great step forward. Good luck on the goal too, i always found it best to take it in small steps, then when i had got a fair way in i looked at the bigger picture, i found it easier to cope that way. still do i suppose.
    anyway good luck, stay strong :-)
  • Congrats on getting started! I sure hope it's realistic, I need to lose about 80-85 pounds as well and I hope to have it off by this time next year!!
  • Although everyone DOES vary in the rate at which they lose weight, I totally think that it is possible. I have not lost 85 lbs. myself, but have lost about half that in just under 3 months. Counting calories/eliptical workouts/being more active. Good luck and best wishes toward you staying on plan!
  • you sound so motivated, congratulations!

    Just remember no one is perfect, and allow yourself to have little slips along your journey, GOOD LUCK!