Closing in on "Back to Normal"

  • So as many of you know I gained 5.8 pounds during 8 weeks while out of the country ... and binging on foods when I came home.

    But, good news tonight! I dropped 5 of those pounds. Now only a measly .8 stands in the way of me & where I used to be in June. I'm ecstatic, and am really looking forward to keeping things moving this week.

    It feels good to get back to normal, doesn't it?
  • Oh, well done. It must feel great to know you can have a hiccup and not get totally derailed. Takes the pressure off.

    Guess those metaphors were pretty mixed
  • That's great news! Must feel wonderful to pretty much be back to normal!
  • That's so awesome? And really, less than 6 lbs. while gone for 8 weeks isn't that bad of a gain to begin with--I've gained that in 2 weeks on vacation--heck, maybe even in one week!!

    But getting back on the wagon--that's always hard. Congrats for persevering!
  • Thanks for the support, guys I really appreciate it.