major failure!!!!!!!!

  • I am such a major failure. I am failing wit my weight loss, I've probably gained a **** load. I've failed wit my relationship... God I can't even have it more then 2 weeks, and he blames everything on me. NOTHING is his fault. ALL me! **** him. I miss him though, like mad.

    Why don't I just give up on everything? Relationships, weight loss, life altogether. Death sleeps, right?

    Failure all around.
  • Don't give up! You have lost 30 lbs and that is a wonderful thing. We all have our days where we fail at eating sensibly. Most of the people here have failed a few times on losing weight before they did it for life! Take a deep breath and just move back on track. As for your relationship many have failed those as well, but I say don't give up on that either! Talk to him and let him know how you feel (he should know that it stresses you out when he can't take blame or he blames you), but before you do relax and calm down...
  • I agree, don't give up! If I had, I'd be still "hiding" at home. Now I have a job, make decent money, have a new car, and good friends. We all have our days like the above poster said. So please, keep coming here, these people are wonderful! They never give up on you, even when you want to give up on yourself!

    As for the relationship, yeah I'd tell him how you feel, let him know its not just a one-way road. A relationship goes both ways. So he has to take in part of the blame. If he doesn't like it, then its his loss. I know that is easier said than done, but honestly, in the end if its not meant to be and there is someone out there very special just for you, you will be glad that this relationship ended. Trust me. I met my husband 11 1/2 yrs ago and I'm so glad that the other relationships I had never worked out, otherwise I would have missed out on him! Now we've been married for 10 yrs next month!

    So never lose hope!!! Oh and feel free to join us in our Weekly Chat we have in here.

  • You are a humanbeing not a major failure! Please have grace for yourself, it will all be o.k., this time will pass, these feelings will pass The weight loss is always ongoing, some days are difficult but it will go down if you don't give up.

    The dad always blamed everyone else for lifes struggles, I don't have any patience for that sort of narcissm. I agree with Sassy chick if he is worth a talk, talk to him, if the only voice he hears is his own, he is not worth the talk. Don't invest energy in the wrong man, there are good men out there who have integrity and will understand how valuable you are.

    Keep coming here to talk
  • I agree with the fact that you achieved a great deal loosing 30 lbs. Don't get discouraged.

    “You can explore the universe looking for somebody who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and you will not find that person anywhere.”

    (I know, I know - quotes are corny - but usually other people can say thing much better than I can )
  • Quote: Why don't I just give up on everything? Relationships, weight loss, life altogether. Death sleeps, right?
    Albertagirl, don't do this to yourself. Seperate the issues...

    1) Weight Loss...Even if you gained some of your weight back, nothing changes the fact that you did lose 30 pounds. For me, you are an inspiration. You are a successful dieter, and you are more healthy then when you started. That is what it is about, not a number on the scale. Whatever you did in the past, worked. So you slipped...decide to get back up. By any chance did your weight gain coincide with something Mr. Wonderful did?

    2) Relationships...I agree with the previous posters...he is either worth the effort because he is willing to talk with you in a productive way, or he is not worth it. Do not let his behavior undermine your past successes. If someone makes you feel that rotten, they are not the right one for you....and you can't find Mr. Right if you're attached to, and being made miserable by, Mr. Wrong.

    3) Life ... Death sleeps?! Please don't even for a few moments let your thoughts go that way. My brother committed suicide and he has missed so much since he has been gone. Things I know he would have enjoyed. Even if you wouldn't contemplate actually doing anything to yourself, those kinds of dark thoughts effect you....they change your health and can make you physically sick. They make you give up. You are worth so much more than that.

    I've read some of your previous posts before, and you are so encouraging and positive to others. That positive person is inside of you....time to pep talk yourself like you did everyone else. This situation is temporary. Don't let it get the better of you.