I'm exactly.......

  • 5.3 away from being out of the 200's I haven't been there in so long it almost doesn't seem real.
  • It's a great feeling to see that "1" reappear before your weight. You'll be there in no time!
  • Good for you!!!! Keep up the good work!
  • Isn't that awesome! !!!! I am so happy for you!
  • OMG! What a great feeling that must be!? You are SOOOO close and are gonna do it! I'm only 4 lbs away from being under 230 (a number I probably haven't seen since in at least 7 years)... so I can't imagine how good it will feel to see 1 at the start of your weight! WOOO! Keep goin'! I can't wait to hear all about it!