Couch to 5K (C25K) Starters & Restarters.

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  • Can I join?
    Hi there! I plan to join my DH (he's going on week 3) and start the C25K program. I probably won't start for another week or two. I have new orthodics that I want to break in first. My plan is to walk for a week or two and then start the program.

    I've never run before, so I'm not sure how I'll find it. I am 60 lbs overweight, so I hope its not too rough on my knees and feet.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know you and getting some support here.

  • I'm going to start the program too I think. Hopefully this week will be week one.

    Shari, I hope like you it isn't too much!

    I can't wait to get started and letting you all know how its going.
  • Quote: Hmmm... now you have me thinking. Do you, or anyone else think it would be harmful to do another week 2 but trying for time and speed? I am really liking this so far and don't want to make myself unmotivated but I really want to be able to at least run at a 10 min mile pace...
    Maybe it's just me, but I don't even see the point of looking at your mile pace when you're only running 90 seconds at a time and then walking 2 minutes. But we're all different.
  • I did W2D1 today. I wasn't going to start Week 2 until tomorrow, but I was short of 39 minutes of my 210 minute/week goal this week, and it was a lovely sunny (albeit cold) day with almost zero wind so out we went, Ruby in the stroller, Bethany on her bike and me on my legs.

    However I got a bit confused and when setting my timer for the first run I set it for 2 minutes instead of 90 secs. I wondered why I was tired at the end of the first run - lol! But I just set the final run for 1 minute, which was nice to end up with.

    I also did a 10 minute brisk walk at the beginning and the end instead of a 5 minute one, which made the whole thing 40 minutes so I hit my target for the week.

    But it was good - not too hard. Does anyone else count the steps when they are running? I count in sets of four, so I think "One and and and Two and and and Three and and and Four" etc. Then after I did the first one I know it takes me counting to about 65 in sets of four before the 90 second run is up. It just means I can see the end to each run rather than just running and running until the timer goes off.

    Also, does anyone know if it makes a harder workout running with a stroller, or an easier one?
  • Ok... Today was the start. W1D1, and let me tell you, I felt like I was going to die! I had to stop after 10 minutes. I want to get the whole 20 in, so I'm wondering if it's ok to do the other 10 after I recoup? Did anyone else have this problem starting? I've been working out consistantly since July, but jeebus, nothing's wiped me out like this. I'm SO out of shape!
  • Week 3 Day One - DONE. And I ran for 3 minutes continuously - twice! If you'd asked me 2 1/2 weeks ago if that was physically possible I would have laughed at you. But I did it. And I overtook the lady walking her dog around the outside of the track 3 times. Admittedly she looked like she had a gammy knee, but still...

    Keep going, all you girls who are just starting. It doesn't get easier, but it gets more satisfying as you are able to do more and more.
  • Quote: Ok... Today was the start. W1D1, and let me tell you, I felt like I was going to die! I had to stop after 10 minutes. I want to get the whole 20 in, so I'm wondering if it's ok to do the other 10 after I recoup? Did anyone else have this problem starting? I've been working out consistantly since July, but jeebus, nothing's wiped me out like this. I'm SO out of shape!
    Yay, you started! I would think it would be fine to recover a bit and then do the other half. I would still try to have a day of rest between. It IS tough at first, but it starts to get better.
  • Quote: Ok... Today was the start. W1D1, and let me tell you, I felt like I was going to die! I had to stop after 10 minutes. I want to get the whole 20 in, so I'm wondering if it's ok to do the other 10 after I recoup? Did anyone else have this problem starting? I've been working out consistantly since July, but jeebus, nothing's wiped me out like this. I'm SO out of shape!

    Firstly, WELL DONE for starting! Doing that first run is a huge issue. The next issue is getting yourself out to do the next one after the trauma of the first. Once those first two are over it becomes a lot easier psychologically. If you'd told me a week ago I'd be looking forward to going out running I would have thought you were daft! But not only am I looking forward to it, I chafe at the 'not every day' restriction. it's been really nice here and I really wanted to go out this afternoon and I did it yesterday so I can't.

    When I did the first one I was working out the 'timetable' on a spreadsheet to see how many repetitions I would need to do and it included the 5 min warmup as part of the 20 minutes so I actually only did 15 minutes of the run/walk part, which I didn't realise until after.

    One thing I would say is, if you can, do it outside rather than on a treadmill, so if you really feel like you can't possibly run any farther, at least you have to walk home so you still get some exercise rather than just hopping off the treadmill.

    Another tip is, count the steps, like I do. I really find it helps. it helps to break it up sort of so if it takes you 40 set of four steps for each minute of running, then you know that when you've got to 20 you're halfway there.

    The first one is the hardest, but you can do it!!

    I've only been doing it just over a week and I am already noticing changes in my body - running is a very intensive workout! Stick with it and you will see changes very quickly I think.
  • Week 8, Day 1. My old POS mp3 player's battery died a few seconds after my warmup, so I guestimated my distance. Not as hard since no intervals anymore, but I'm terrible at estimating. Decent run.
  • Thanks for the info ladies. Today I'm going to start week 3 day 1!!!!!

    Keep sticking with it ladies and before you know it, we'll have to get together to actually run a 5K!
  • Thanks ladies, I jumped back on for another 5. Ugh, that was it, I was toast.

    Robsia, I really wanted to be able to get it done outside today, but the weather's a little crappy this morning. My plan was to get up at 5 or 5:30 so I can get out and do it before bf leaves for work so someone is still at the house with the kids. Hopefully I can start this Wednesday.

    Wow Julie, week 8! That's awesome!
    It's so hard to see me being able to run for any extended period of time. 60 secs was such a huge struggle!

    As exhausted as this made me, I love the change up from the dvds I've been doing. This really got my heart rate up. I can't wait for Wednesday!
  • Hi everyone! I did week 4 day 1 this morning. It was tiring, but I made it! My legs are sore because I went on a 9-mile hike on Saturday though. :P

    I am actually liking week 4 way better than week 3. The workout is the right amount of time and I cover more distance than I did week 2 (whereas I was covering less during week 3). Not such a fan of the podcast's music for this week though. Oh well.

    Julie99, don't forget that by "run" they don't mean "sprint at top speed!" You can "run" at a slow pace, which makes it easier to go for 60 seconds.
  • I'm wondering if anyone else is doing the Robert Ullrey's podcasts, or are you all just doing it on your own?

    Julie99--I haven't started yet, but I suspect I'll struggle as well. The one thing I keep telling myself is that I can do it at my own pace. If 9 weeks is too fast, I can do each week twice to make sure I'm ready to move onto the next week. Just keep doing what you can do and you'll get through it!!!
  • Shari, I am using Ullrey's podcasts, AND I am doing each week twice.
  • Quote: Wow Julie, week 8! That's awesome!
    It's so hard to see me being able to run for any extended period of time. 60 secs was such a huge struggle!
    Man, do I ever remember feeling the *exact* same thing when seeing someone post towards the end of the program!