
  • Any one know of any supplements to help get pg?
  • I wish I knew of something, but it seems like the best chances I usually read about are going low carb, losing weight, and taking met.

    I would strongly suggest losing as much weight as possible before ttc. Weight gain in pregnancy, and obesity in pregnancy, can put you and your baby at a much higher risk for complications. You can develop pre-eclampsia, among other conditions, which can be fatal to your and your baby. Your baby can also develop other birth defects. You can read more about that here.

    If you are closer to goal weight when you get pregnant, you'll really be able to enjoy the pregnancy much more, exercise, have a healthy baby, lower risks of gestational diabetes, c-section, birth defects, miscarriage, premature labor, and recover from those first few months of motherhood!

    Also, tests have shown that children of obese pregnant mothers are more likely to be obese children, and children of mothers with increased blood pressure in pregnancy will have higher blood pressure than other children their age.

    Edited to say, I'm not trying to be a nag. I should have lost weight before getting pregnant, also. I was young and wanting a baby very badly, and had no idea I was at higher risk. I eventually had my labor induced 3 weeks premature due to pre-eclampsia, after a few weeks of bedrest. I found out when he was around 12, that he actually has a benign form of spina bifida. It would have never been seen except for an an xray.
  • Read the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility.

    Are you seeing a reproductive endocrinologist?
  • I tried every way to get pregnant before I finally went to my doctor about it. For my first pregnancy, I took metformin and progesterone. My second pregnancy was a little more difficult. I had to go to a fertility specialist. I tried clomid for a year, then I took femara for about 6 months. If that didn't work, we would have had to go for something like insemination. But, luckly, my last month of femara worked.
  • I've had nothing work so far, and recently got so stressed & worked up over it that I had to take a step back and go back on BCP for a while to even out my cycles and give myself a mental break from TTC.

    So far I've tried Clomid, Metformin, and Prometrium - none seem to do me very much good, but since I've never been monitored while on them, it's hard to say.
  • Try a doctor that will monitor you while on Clomid. It's possible you're not ovulating or not timing things well. When we did it I had u/s to check for follicles, then got the shot to release the egg, then did IUI to get the spermies exactly where they needed to be.