It's sitting in the fridge calling my name...

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  • It's a fabulous cheesesteak stromboli from one of the best pizza shops in my area. It's a treat for me to eat this. We ordered last night and I ordered a "small" which is more like a "gigantic" in normal people terms. I ate less than half of it, because it's probably more like 3 dinners worth of food instead of 1. The problem is, I saved it. Yes, I know I should have immediately thrown the rest away, but I HATE wasting food and more than that I hate wasting money. I'm staying at a friend's house this week while she's away and I went shopping but got limited food supplies for the week. I know if I don't eat the rest of my stromboli I'll have to go out and buy something else for dinner anyway, which I don't want to do. I already feel guilty about the possibility that I might eat it for dinner again tonight, even though I have gone to the gym twice this week already and am going again tonight. I usually only do home workouts because I don't live quite as close to the gym as my friend does. I get myself really worked up when I think about eating bad things. I haven't accomodated for it calorie-wise. It's my TOM so I'm sneaking chocolate covered pretzels and tootsie rolls here and there. I know I can start fresh tomorrow and I shouldn't be so hard on myself. It's a weakness of mine. Any pizza or cheesesteak related products tempt me SO much.
  • Why do we do this to ourselves? Choose what you know is best for you....I only say this because I've been there.
  • Even if it does mean wasting food, throw every temptation away. Does your friend have a dog? Maybe she can mix some in its food as a small treat. If throwing it out means you have to go out and buy another dinner, good! Than you can get something you know you won't feel guilty about. You did good only eating a portion of it last night and not finishing it off than and there.
    Either throw out the stromboli or the pretzels.. you shouldn't have both floating around if its too hard to resist.

    Hope everything goes well!
    Kudos on keeping up with working out too!
  • Throw it much easier said than done I know. Go to the store get some nice stir fry veggies and a bit of oyster sauce and try that. Very low cal and has a hint of sweetness to it..It sometimes works for me
  • I totally agree that you need to destroy that bad food! If you gain a victory here by ruining them and saying 'NO!' then there is no waste.

    You can either make excuses for yourself and then feel bad - or show that stromboli who is the boss and destroy it. You can do it!
  • Quote: It's a weakness of mine. Any pizza or cheesesteak related products tempt me SO much.
    Me too!!!!!!!! That would be VERY hard if not impossible for me to resist. I can't even order that kind of cheesy doughy goodness... I just can't and don't. That and doughnuts.

    You are getting a lot of support for throwing it away. I support that too... try to focus on how bloated and icky you will feel AFTER eating it (Blah!!!) and just dump it. Or feed it to someone else.

    Good luck!
  • On second thought....why not give it to some nice neighbor...then you'll feel good all over,AND healthier!
  • Thanks girls, I have it in my head to trash it when I get home. We'll see what happens!
  • Ehhhhhh, I'd just eat it. :/ I really really hate wasting food too - and that sounds like a lot of food to waste. If you've got half of it left, eat a quarter of it with a really big salad, hit the gym and call it a night!

    But that might be 'bad influence' advise since everyone else disagrees with me... Good luck, T!
  • I am with Eskinomad. I hate wasting food. I was brought up that way, we were far from rich and even though it is not so much matter of money any more, I still hate when something goes bad in my fridge (because I did not use up in time or because I forgot about it), it is a waste.
  • I ate half of what was left along with a spinach salad after I got back from the gym. No guilt afterwards. Now TODAY we have a health insurance meeting at lunchtime and they're having free pizza for everyone. This I WILL resist because I've packed some tuna and a nectarine. Plus, my stomach is in shambles today from TOM. Eating is the last thing on my mind. Thanks all for the support.
  • Do what i had to do with my jar of Peanut Butter, take it outside and dump dirt in it, because even if you throw it away in the container it will still be calling you from the can.
  • Me too...
    Food day at work today. Every imaginable treat known to man. I am trying to stay out of the break room. Ugh!!
  • Well, at least you went to the gym. That should even things out a bit. You can't be good ALL the time, ya know?
  • Quote:
    Do what i had to do with my jar of Peanut Butter, take it outside and dump dirt in it, because even if you throw it away in the container it will still be calling you from the can.
    I thought I was the only one to do that! I've taken leftovers and intentionally burnt them in the oven while reheating so I won't actually eat it. Throwing it in the trash is not enough. It must be DESTROYED! Then I try not to imagine my mom or my grandma yelling at me for throwing away good food.