30 Something's Daily Chat: Wed., 8/13

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  • Mornin' All!

    I'm all worked up this AM, drinking my coffee...but I'll stick with my 20 oz. this AM. It's really just 2 paper coffee cups. We have a Keurig at work, so you can make different sizes. I have it down to a science. For each cup, I do one 6 oz. strength Nantucket Blend and one 4 oz. strength. And add 2%.

    Pam, that's a late bedtime for me. I'm usually in bed at 8:30 with the boys and although the goal is to lay with them for a few minutes until they fall asleep, I usually fall asleep with them. But I'm awake at 5, sometimes earlier. DH gets up at 4:30, usually, to walk with the dog and shower and stuff before he usually wakes me up at 6. This AM it was 4 am. I woke up to him grumbling at the dog, but didn't move and fell back to sleep.

    So, a new low on the scale this AM...see side bar for numbers. Haven't seen that since right after Robby was born!

    Have a great day all!

    PS, for the record, the reason I'm on here so early is because I rushed like a mad woman to get here at 7:30, so I could sit with ADHD boy for a 1/2 hr. before his day got crazy. He wasn't here. Got here at 7:45. Oh well, I have to leave early to take my own ADHD boy to the Neuro for his 3 month check up at 4:30 anyway, so I'll be leaving at 4.
  • Good Morning!!

    Lauren - Congrats on the weight loss!!

    I am usually at work by 7 am, but i don't really have a lot of energy till about 8! I am not a coffee drinker, I love the smell but just can't get past the taste. But I get here in the am and then go to the gym (we share office space - and owners - with a rehab facility and they let us use the gym) and get in a 1-2 mile bike ride and some crunches and arm work. Not a whole lot, but I am trying to tell myself that something is better than nothing!! I am down another pound today - yay!

    For all of you who sent well wishes my way about my sons teeth - Thank You!!! He is doing fine and not complaining of pain and eating just as much as ever. He doesn't seem to fazed by it! But he looks kinda silly!

    Anyway, I hope everyone has a good day!

    Asaan - hope your back feels better soon!

  • Lauren--Good job on the scale!!

    Holly--Good job on your loss! And way to get that work out in!

    I admit I slept in again. But I WILL get that work out in this afternoon. The kids and I will be headed to the store this morning so that's my excitement today. I will check in again later (maybe after that work out so I can report that I did it).
  • Good morning!

    Lauren and Holly - way to go on the weight loss! You guys are doing so well!

    I'm doing quite well with my workouts but for some reason my weight shot up (literally right after I really got into the workouts) about 4lbs and now I'm back down to where I started. I have lost about an inch off my waist though!

    I'll keep at it! Today I'm going to try the TurboJam TurboSculpt - I'll let you know how it goes.

    Not much else happening here.

    Enjoy your day everyone!
  • Hi!

    Lauren, great job on the loss. I haven't stepped on the scale in weeks. I don't need anymore things to worry about right now, my clothes still fit so for now thats good enough for me.

    Calorie Counters!! How do you manage to count calories and do anything else? I tried to do the counting thing but it consumed so much of my time. I fix a lot of stuff from scratch and when I try to look things up I can't find an exact match, UUGGH. I gave up. When I'm on my plan and doing it well I eat about 6 or 7 times a day and I simply don't have the time to try and figure all that out. If you have an easier way, please share.

    I'm pretty pooped out myself ladies but I think I'm heading towards a serious bout with depression. Too much stuff has been going on around here and I just don't know how much more I can take. I don't want to get out of bed, ever! I don't want to leave the house. My friends from church came last week and dragged me out to see "Mamma Mia", which I enjoyed but I didn't want to go. I'm hoping once the stress subsides that I'll be my old self again. I don't even want sex, and lemme tell ya, thats MAJOR!

    Hope everyone, gets to feeling peppy again, glad to see some new ones in here as well.

  • Holly, congrats on the pound!

    Trish, for me, being obsessed w/counting is good. But I try to eat things that I know the calorie count for, or is easy to find in the daily plate. Sorry to hear things are not good for you right now. Maybe you should go see your primary for a happy pill? Seriously.

    Guppy, if you're getting frustrated about the numbers on the scale, stop weighing yourself all the time! I usually weigh myself everyday, but sometimes when I'm getting frustrated, I stop for a few days, or a week.
  • Mornin' All!!

    Lots going on today. A bunch of errands, my kidlets playgroup, deciding what to have for dinner (UGH- empty freezer) and of course going to the gym and a few odds and ends... so I must get my rear in gear and get a going... after being on here of course.

    LBH--- Sounds like you have that coffee brewing down pat.
    on the weightloss!!! Yippie!!! That is Awesome!!!

    hollymommy--- Glad to hear all is well with your ds's tooth... how great is that that he goes on like nothing changed.

    guppy23--- I am interested in the Turbo Jam Turbo Sculpt. Please let me know how it goes after a while.

    CCmomof5--- I hear you on the time consuming accountability of tracking calories. I did it for a bit and I felt like all I did was sit infront of the computer and track my calories... and if I didn't find the exact item I was blustered. So, I gave up, but try and do a mental count during the day of my food... doesn't always work out, but atleast it is something right?!?

    Well off to get the kiddos dressed and ready, then myself... TaTa For now...
  • Good morning everyone.

    Lauren and Holly congrats. I can not tell you the last time I weighed. I get to discouraged when I get on the scale.

    My calories for yesterday was 1630. So I did well yesterday. I will just keep tracking and doing my thing. I might weigh this weekend.

    Trish sorry you are having a hard time right now. I know the feeling of laying in bed and not wanting to face the world. Let us know if you need something or a friend to talk to. By the way counting the calories is not that bad. I thought it was at first but it gets easier.

    Hello to everyone else. Have a good day.

  • Hi, everyone! I was up late baking cakes! 7 of them! Guess what I'm going to do with them?
    SHHH! Whisper! Ok, the sun is out. Shh! I promise to not snarf up all the sunshine this time. If I can stain the deck, I will only inhale shallowly. I may pass out for lack of oxygen, and have my hair stick to the drying deck, with a bad cat laying on me thinking it's nap time, but just leave me there. Maybe I'll get a tan.
  • Congrats to everyone on their weight loss! I feel I am gaining by the day. I don't officially start MRC until the 28th so I think I'm eating everything in sight in preparation to deprive myself! By the time I actually start I may have 40 to lose instead of 30! Somebody knock some sense into me, please?! We're having a garage sale this weekend and I haven't even started pricing stuff yet! AIIGGH!
  • Hey girls...

    Had to split early to take the kiddos to camp, then to the park where they caught two frogs (our new pets, apparently), I did get my walk in, and I have class tonight so that will be even more exercise.

    Lauren, congrats on the loss!!!

    Trish, hope thigns get better for you!!

    Kori, lemme guess, you're making your own wedding cake, right?? Did you tell us that you are a decorator?? Me too...we'd love to see your stuff sometime glad you got some sun.

    Okayy, my gf is here to pick up her kids, then I'm gonna relax a little before dinner.

    Have a great evening all!!

  • Holly & Lauren - YAY FOR YOU!!! Congrats on the loss!

    PearFreak & mcmommy, I am obsessed with Vera Bradley. We don't have a whole lot of stores that sell VB in my neck of the woods. I have to visit the east coast to get my fill. When I was in NJ, my boyfriend bought me a gift . . . the new style (Morgan) in Java Blue. When I was in Chicago I bought a coin purse to match. I need to beef up my collection. The only other handbag I have was a gift from BF's mom - Mod Floral Blue. I really like Cafe Latte, Yellow Bird and Mesa Red. Anyway, nice to meet other VB fans who are also 30 somethings trying to lose weight

    Yesterday I was still dragging and had the pity party . . . chicken quesadilla with all the trimmings. Yum-o! I feel much better today. Energy level seems to be improving and I feel better emotionally. This weight loss is messing with my TOM so that could be coming early again this month.

    Kori, don't fall asleep with your face in the deckstain. Wouldn't be good just before your wedding! I can't wait to see pictures of the cake, your dress, etc.

    kriscrossed - welcome to MRC! Try to do as much pre-conditioning as you can. The next phase is restrictive and may drive you nuts if you go from 60 to zero in a day. I've been loving it and seeing results. However, I do get tired of eating the same things. I need to start cooking from the cook book . . . just a busy summer.

    Have a great day ladies!!
  • Today, I've managed to avoid snacking. I had a bowl of Vector for breakfast, a couple of sandwiches and an apple and banana for lunch and I've run 5k.

    Not happy with the amount of water I've had today, though. Need to do something about that.
  • hi everyone, so many new people and so much going on!! Just have time to say a quick hello...today is my first day back at work. I didn't make my goal of 200 by the thirteenth, but lost 4 of the 8.5 lbs. I am going to keep on plugging away and make my new mini-goal to be under 200 by the time the kids come back on the 20th.

    Have a great evening...I hope my kids survived their first day (in a while) away from mama.
  • hey all..quick post...

    To my Vera Girls...I do order off the vera bradley website...they have the retired patterns and bags at discounts too. Craigslist.org is also great for others selling them in your area

    I bought a new book today...something about eating clean...I will let you know!